Re: VideoTube. pagination problem
  • 2009/2/28 23:32

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

Sorry Peekay I missed this post the first time. It may have to do with my code. When reaching the last page I look to see how many videos are to be displayed. If there is only one remaining then I step the start display count back one so there is one thumbnail and the playing video to display. There is a chance the page_nav class doesn't like this. I will do some checking and see if I can correct it.

Re: shout box block resizing
  • 2009/2/26 23:02

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

I like the icon approach burning. I could add it to my list to provide these icons and add preference setting to select buttons or icons for display. What do you think?

Re: shout box block resizing
  • 2009/2/26 0:36

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

Yes I think I can add this functionality flipse. Since shoutbox is already a block I should be able to add a second block without too much trouble. My suggestion would be to remove the smilies, text entry, and auto-refresh from this new block and replace the pop-up button with a button labeled "Shout". Selecting Shout would generate a new pop-up window that would contain the text entry area. It will take some experimenting to see if I will be able to automatically refresh the message display block while the shout entry pop-up is present.

Re: shout box block resizing
  • 2009/2/24 23:04

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

You can make the shoutbox whatever size you want by using the IFrame Width and IFrame Height preference settings.

There are some factors that may override these settings such as the size of the text entry area. If the Shout Text Input Type is set to Multi-line text area then be sure to set the Text Columns to match the width you want. Also be sure to check your site's theme. The theme's CSS sheet may define 'textarea' and could override the module's settings.

Enabling Smilies and how many smilies you have set to display as the default may also affect the width of the IFrame.

More experimenting - This time with GoogleMaps
  • 2009/2/22 19:35

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

CVD has been experimenting with the GoogleMaps module. There are some features that we really like but the angle we are looking at is how to generate maps as blocks so they can be displayed anywhere in the site. We also want to be able to author polygon overlays through the module admin area. We have found you can create polygons through GoogleEarth and save these in a kml file then call this file in the googlemaps templates but we are looking for all functionality to be provided within the module.

Much like the X Basic Graphs module we recently released this will be aimed more towards developers. We will probably call this X Basic Maps and the aim will be to expose developers to the methods used to incorporate Google Maps into your own module creations.

Re: X Basic Graphs
  • 2009/2/15 6:24

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

You make several valid points ghia and most of these are addressed by XoopsGraphs developed by WishCraft. I do believe that if a JPGraph interface is to become part of the core package then XoopsGraphs is the right way to go. My simpler approach was developed for a client that needed specific graphs generated within the custom module I was creating. I still haven't decided if I will be pursuing further X Basic Graphs development or not and this was the main reason I didn't submit it to the repository. Thanks for taking the time to review it.

Re: Any Progress on XoopsGraphs?
  • 2009/2/14 13:59

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

Thanks Wishcraft. I fully agree with you and I believe both approaches have merit. It will all depend on the user's application whioh one will fill their specific needs.

Re: SCM Repositories and trasnalations of modules
  • 2009/2/14 0:03

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

Thanks for this post. I need to get my head out of the software more often. I didn't realize this collection of translations existed. I will be adding the applicable language files to the Video Tube and ShoutBox modules for the next upcoming releases.

Re: X Basic Graphs prototype release
  • 2009/2/13 12:31

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

Example from XBasicGraphs at CVD placing the html img tag in this post.

Resized Image

Image source defined as .../graphs/corecode/user_registration.php which shows that after you create the graph generating php file you can call it from anywhere.

X Basic Graphs prototype release
  • 2009/2/13 2:24

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

We have released the prototype of X Basic Graphs v0.9 and it is available at CVD X Basic Graphs Download

We would like to get some feedback and provide modifications requested before going much further.

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