Re: MyLinks 3.11 missing file entry.php
  • 2011/11/14 4:32

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14

Thanks for your advice

In fact, I've already changed the "entry.php" by "singlefile.php" as a workaround. Nevertheless, if there won't be an entry.php, the mylinks_rand.php should be adapted accordingly by the developer team (ZySpec, Mamba).

kind regards
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

MyLinks 3.11 missing file entry.php
  • 2011/11/13 19:28

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


as mentioned in the subject, the file


is missing in http://xoops.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xoops/XoopsModules/mylinks/branches/Mamba/mylinks/

This file is used when the block Random Link (/blocks/mylinks_rand.php) is active and the user clicks on the randomly shown link on top of this block (not an the "see more"-link at the bottom of this block).

The missing file entry.php is invoked at line 51 of mylinks_rand.php:

$block['content'] .= "padding4px 0 0 0color#456;">{$link}

kind regards
markesh aka karim
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: XOOPS 2.5.3 Final Released - _MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE
  • 2011/11/8 6:45

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


like @bjuti, I was shown the debug output

'_MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE' in file /class/textsanitizer/image/image.php line 68

and so on.

The cause was an uncomplete translation of /language/misc.php

In XOOPS 2.5.3, this file has been enlarged by the lines

define('_MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE''Click to see original Image in a new window'); 
define('_MSC_RESIZED_IMAGE''Resized Image');
define('_MSC_ORIGINAL_IMAGE''Original Image');

(see also changelog for XOOPS 2.5.3)

These three new lines are missing in the German translation.

The German XOOPS community on myxoops.org has been informed already.

The file attached there contains the complete translation.

how to procede:
-- unpack the file
-- copy misc.php to /language/german

The debug messages concerning _MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE should now be gone.

Maybe XOOPS users of other countries have the same problem with _MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE and can solve it by this information

First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: Patched: xTRANSAM 1.20
  • 2011/11/7 18:25

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


while trying to "Build File Base", I get the following errors on XOOPS 2.5.3:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getVar() on a non-object in (my_xoops_path)/modules/xtransam/admin/index.php on line 123

this belongs to this code:

$bfile[] = "// Translation done by XTransam & ".$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uname')." (".$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('email').")n// XTransam ".($GLOBALS['xtransamModule']->getVar('version')/100)." is written by Chronolabs Co-op & The XOOPS Project - File Dumped on ".date('Y-m-d H:i')."nn?>";

And then:

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in file /modules/xtransam/admin/index.php line 104
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in file /modules/xtransam/admin/index.php line 104
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in file /modules/xtransam/admin/index.php line 104
this last warning comes several times, then:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in file /modules/xtransam/admin/index.php line 104
Hint: Undefined index: xtransamModule in file /modules/xtransam/admin/index.php line 123

line 104 goes like this:


So xTransam obviously cannot create the directories and files due to lacking privileges. I tried to chmod the language dir 777, but this didn't work

I also created the german lang dir manually, but this didn't work either.

Any hints?

Thanks & kind regards
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: #1 install script progress
  • 2011/11/2 10:36

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


I happened to find this thread while searching for something else...

I'm very excited about your scripting, because I also think that XOOPS is lacking this. I don't need to sit in front of the monitor waiting. There are more important things to be done. At least I would like to go to sleep, while the machine does its work, and when I get up, I can go on with the rest of setting up my domain

I had to install XOOPS yesterday, and it almost drove me crazy to always do the same steps...

Some ideas which you maybe can add to your scripts:

It's always awful to transfer the files to my web space and then install XOOPS. We have now more than 3 000 files and 20 MB only for the htdocs. The usual way is download the zip, decompress it locally, send it to the server (which lasts several hours, I hate to say it...), manage the files and rights, then start the install etc. My aim is to have the complete installation files on my server, ready to install (directories ok, permissions ok). Then I copy this (on my server) only into the new directory, so I can start installation in an instance. Next time I need a new installation (e.g. for a new domain), I also copy the files the same way. And so on.

So this is the point where your script would start, as you are developing by now. It would be great if you could find a way to add such a feature.

btw: This could be a great service to XOOPS hosting services. There are already services that provide CMS like Drupal or Joomla to their customers: The customer decides whether he wants to instal this or that, and tho whole thing is done online from the server to the customer's account. That's my vision for XOOPS

kind regards and thanks for your work
markesh aka karim

First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

XOOPS Poland "suspicious"?
  • 2011/10/25 8:13

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


does anybody know what's happend to the polish XOOPS site?

When I tried to access http://www.xoops.pl, I was warned by Google that the site is listed as suspicious:


you can change the "hl=en" in the url by your language code, eg. "hl=de" for German

kind regards
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: Frameworks Moduleadmin 1.0 final french translation
  • 2011/7/22 18:22

  • markesh

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  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14

First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Frameworks Moduleadmin 1.0 final french translation
  • 2011/7/22 13:33

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14

Hi, there,

the french language files for the Frameworks moduleadmin 1.0 final are done and can also downloaded from my site at

a small french readme how to install the moduledamin and the language files is included

thanks to beckmi and mageg for their nice module


les fichiers langue français pour Frameworks Moduleadmin 1.0 Final sont pret à télécharger:


le dossier contient aussi un petit fichier readme.txt en français

First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Frameworks Moduleadmin 1.0 final german translation
  • 2011/7/21 9:36

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14

Hi, there,

the german language files for the Frameworks moduleadmin 1.0 final can be downloaded from my site at

a small german readme howto install the moduledamin and the language files is included

thanks to beckmi and mageg for their nice module


EDIT: must be "1.0" of course and not "1.6" as described in original post; I mismatched with the TDMDownloads, sorry.

EDIT: Added "Frameworks" to avoid confusion
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: Login fails 2.5x
  • 2011/7/18 8:53

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14

Hi, jochen,

some time ago I had the same problem.

There's a lot of possibilities causing the same result. In most cases it's a corrupted php file (e.g. main.php).

If you search this forum or GGL, you'll find a lot of solutions and suggestions. There's a chance that one of this will be *your* solution, but it's rather frustrating to try and try without success.

Though rather old, this page helped me to find out the cause for my problem.

hth & good luck
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

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