In fact, I've already changed the "entry.php" by "singlefile.php" as a workaround. Nevertheless, if there won't be an entry.php, the mylinks_rand.php should be adapted accordingly by the developer team (ZySpec, Mamba).
kind regards
$block['content'] .= "
kind regards
markesh aka karim
'_MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE' in file /class/textsanitizer/image/image.php line 68
define('_MSC_CLICK_TO_OPEN_IMAGE', 'Click to see original Image in a new window');
define('_MSC_RESIZED_IMAGE', 'Resized Image');
define('_MSC_ORIGINAL_IMAGE', 'Original Image');
$bfile[] = "// Translation done by XTransam & ".$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uname')." (".$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('email').")n// XTransam ".($GLOBALS['xtransamModule']->getVar('version')/100)." is written by Chronolabs Co-op & The XOOPS Project - File Dumped on ".date('Y-m-d H:i')."nn?>";
mkdir($pdir, 0777);