Re: change the menu
  • 2007/11/2 13:35

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

Thank you so much... it was really useful.

I have another question about multiMenu module.

I use it, but I choosed a block format Drop Down Vertical it works great but I want to change its colors (it has pink color) I dont know how to do it.

Can someone help me.


Re: news Commets
  • 2007/11/2 10:17

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

I tried to modify the templates but it cannot be done from there.

If I remove it from there then I would remove all the line (Read more..., xxx bytes more, Comments?).

If I do it from there I have to remove <{$story.morelink}> that would remove all of the above mentioned links.

It has to be done from the php code somewhere else.


news Commets
  • 2007/11/2 0:08

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


I use the module News 1.44 but I want to delete the link "Comments?" which is on index page of news module at the line with the Read more... and xxxx bytes more...

Can you tell me what should I change in order to make it disappar the link Comments? and leave only Read more...

thanks in advance

news image
  • 2007/11/2 0:04

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


On my I use the module News 1.44.

I have an request if anybody can help me.

I post many news on my site with a photo (image) with every news I post. Is there any way to make the photo of the submitted news (module news 1.44) to make a link. so I need to make the automaticly the photo of the news as an Read more... link for that story id.

But the link should appear over the image only when it is on the index page, and it should disappear when the visitor click Read more...

Probably something should be changed at the code of the php.

If anyone could help me plase tell me.

Thanks in advance

change the menu
  • 2007/11/1 22:55

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


Can someone tell me how can I make it to install an blank module or anyway else, in order to make another Menu Link on the Main Menues which would only have a link over it, not anything else. I need only another menu where I would be able to put an link ex: http://www.domain.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=324 ,

Somethink like menus on this site: http://www.zootswing.co.uk/ like these menues: What is swing? ; Class information ; Private Lessons and others.

If anyone has any idea how to help me I will appreciate it.


image manager
  • 2007/10/29 0:24

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


I use the module News 1.44 but I have problems while posting my news on the web. My problem is this: when I go to Image Manager I Add the foto file to it but when it is added it is hard to find it on the displayed pictures below, becuase it is not added by any excat order, for example Added by date (ex. The last added at the beggining or opposite) but the picture is added on the display pictures and I have to look for it on all pages there in order to find it.

Is there anyway to make it appear the pictures by order (by date if possible) because it is very hard to look for every picture I add.

If anyone could help me please write.

Thanks in advance

extgallery clone
  • 2007/10/18 13:17

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


Does anyone have a clone of module Extgallery.

If anyone has ready clone of this module, please send it to me.

Or can someone make the cole of this module for me, please.

I really need it so much.

If any one can help me, please tell me.

Thanks in advance

Re: Can I have two extgallery?
  • 2007/10/13 22:48

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


I also need and clone of this module (extgallery).

Can you please send it to me two. I realy need it.

Thanks in advance

Re: Youtube HotLink Gallery
  • 2007/10/7 23:17

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

The problem with permissions is fixed.

Thank you so much.

But, I have some more requests from you:

1. If possible, please make one Random Block (with thumbnails) where would be possible to choose the number of videos which would appear on the block. (on the current Random Block, it is possible to put only one video on the block)

2. If possible, please make this Random Blcok (with thumbnails) possible to put in horizonal way and vertical way also, and

3. Can you make it, when I open the video, below the video clip to be shown these links -Next Video and Previous Video- as it is on Smartmedia.

If add these features on the next release please inform me.
If yes, how long approximately would take it to have another relase with these features.

Thank you so much for your help.

Re: Youtube HotLink Gallery
  • 2007/10/4 22:43

  • noone

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


The problem is not probably caused because I updated the module, but is has something wrong with the database "argetimi_xoopstube_cat" where the categories are saved.

I checked when I started to use the modules and the Permissions were working OK and and added permissions for some of the categories, but now when I have added more than 100 categories, I have probably made something wrong and the when I click on permissions, it shows a problem.

Is is probably an database error, because I tried to uninstall this module (but safed the database) and I installed it again it was working OK, permissions were also functional. But when I add the database "argetimi_xoopstube_cat" then the problem with permissions appears.

I do not know what the problem is.

Is there anyway you can help me?


Thank you

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