Migration Module?
  • 2007/3/2 19:42

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Hi Everyone,

Is there a module out there that can do the following:

Migrate files from one directory to another on the same server?

Here is the situation:

My client wants to have the ability of uploading images to the server but he doesn't want the images to be live (visible to the public) when he uploads them through the WYSIWYG editor, instead they have to only be visible to users that are registered as 'editor' of the website/content.

Here is where this module would come in handy:

Only when the 'editor' publishes the content must the images stored in that private images/ directory get MIGRATED to the public images/ directory.


Re: How to add password fields in the Extended Profile
  • 2007/2/20 18:21

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Is there a proper upgrade from XOOPS 2.2.2 to 2.2.5 ?



Re: How to add password fields in the Extended Profile
  • 2007/2/16 18:50

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Quite frankly, I am new to XOOPS and Im afraid something goes wrong in the upgrade with the existing functionality that I have.

Another thing is, Im having a hard time finding precise documentation on doing a proper upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.5

Re: How to add password fields in the Extended Profile
  • 2007/2/16 15:39

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Is there something that I can provide to make my question clearer?

How to add password fields in the Extended Profile
  • 2007/2/15 18:09

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Hi everyone,

I am running Apache web server v2.0.52, MySQL v14.7 (Distrib 4.1.20), and XOOPS v2.2.2

My problem is with the Extended Profiles module.
I am running version: 0.1

Simply put, I cannot change my OWN password when Im logged in as an Administrator, but I can change my OWN password if I am logged in as a different Admin User.

It seems to me like a simple condition statement that was set so that the password fields do not show if you are an admin and you want to change your own pwd.

I looked up the code in forms.php in the following directory: modules/profile/include/

function getUserForm(&$user$action false) {
    if (
$action === false) {
$action $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
 if (
$xoopsUser->isAdmin() && $user->getVar('uid') != $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')) {
//If the user is an admin and is editing someone else
$pwd_text = new XoopsFormPassword('''password'1032);
$pwd_text2 = new XoopsFormPassword('''vpass'1032);
$pwd_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_PROFILE_MA_PASSWORD.''._PROFILE_MA_TYPEPASSTWICE);
$elements[0][] = array('element' => $pwd_tray'required' => 0); //cannot set an element tray required
$weights[0][] = 0;
$level_radio = new XoopsFormRadio(_PROFILE_MA_ACTIVEUSER'level'$user->getVar('level'));
$elements[0][] = array('element' => $level_radio'required' => 0);
$weights[0][] = 0;

$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormHidden('uid'$user->getVar('uid')), 'required' => 0);
$weights[0][] = 0;
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormHidden('op''save'), 'required' => 0);
$weights[0][] = 0;

    if (
$xoopsUser && $xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {

As you can see if the user is an admin and is editing someone else he can change the password, but I want to be able to change the password if you are editing yourself as well.

I tried the following piece of code right after the if stmt:
/*    else if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
            //If the user is an admin and is editing himself
            $pwd_text = new XoopsFormPassword('', 'password', 10, 32);
            $pwd_text2 = new XoopsFormPassword('', 'vpass', 10, 32);
            $pwd_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_PROFILE_MA_PASSWORD.''._PROFILE_MA_TYPEPASSTWICE);
            $elements[0][] = array('element' => $pwd_tray, 'required' => 0); //cannot set an element tray required
            $weights[0][] = 0;
            $level_radio = new XoopsFormRadio(_PROFILE_MA_ACTIVEUSER, 'level', $user->getVar('level'));
            $level_radio->addOption(1, _PROFILE_MA_ACTIVE);
            $level_radio->addOption(0, _PROFILE_MA_INACTIVE);
            $level_radio->addOption(-1, _PROFILE_MA_DISABLED);
            $elements[0][] = array('element' => $level_radio, 'required' => 0);
            $weights[0][] = 0;

It works so much as to place the fields in the form and says that it updated the profile correctly when I change the password but when I try my new password it doesn't work, it didn't update the password :(

I tried changing the else if stmt to
($xoopsUser->isAdmin() && $user->getVar('uid') == $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'))

Doesn't update either.

Does anyone know if I should be doing any other mods in the code somewhere else?
I am not the one who installed XOOPS and this module particularly. And I don't know if the web developer changed the code explicity for security purposes or some other reason.

Any help would be appreciated!

Patrick S.
Web Developer

Re: 3 minutes!! Loading time to access forms
  • 2007/1/19 21:29

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Is My question not clear enough? :(

3 minutes!! Loading time to access forms
  • 2007/1/18 18:04

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Hi everyone,

This is the configuration I have on my server:

Apache web server v2.0.52, MySQL v14.7 (Distrib 4.1.20), XOOPS v2.0.16, and PHP 5

I created a module that generates Database Driven forms and for some reason, every time I try to access a form page it takes up to 3 minutes to access that page.

The site is not accessible online as it is setup on a test server, but you can view my production site (http://www.minacom.com) which doesn't have the problem with the form but is running the same configuration, has the same content, and runs the same module as the one above except for the XOOPS version which is v2.2.2.

Does anyone know what could be the reason for pages not to load quickly?

Again, I can access any page but once I try to access a form its very very slow.


Re: Should I upgrade to mysql 5.0?
  • 2007/1/9 23:20

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

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Dave_L wrote:
When you say "drop in the database info", I'll assume you mean export your old database as an .sql file and then import the .sql file into the new MySQL server, which is the correct way to do it.
The most important thing to is do complete backups at each step, so you can always get back to where you were.

Yes thats what I mean, sorry I know dropping the database would be a different action.

Re: Should I upgrade to mysql 5.0?
  • 2007/1/9 23:15

  • boumbo

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  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

stefan is correct.. you can't use a MySQL dump from a XOOPS 2.2.x database to restore into a XOOPS 2.0.x site.

you would have to convert your 2.2 site to 2.0.16 1st, and then create the backup..

In this case, is there a direct upgrade from XOOPS 2.2.2 to 2.0.16?

If so, could you direct me to the URL for the download of the upgrade?


Re: Should I upgrade to mysql 5.0?
  • 2007/1/9 18:28

  • boumbo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2006/9/25

Thanks for the prompt reply.
Is the version 2.2.5rc2 a stable version fully functional, if not whats the latest most stable version?

Can I do a direct upgrade from XOOPS 2.2.2 to 2.2.5rc2 or does it have to be a step by step upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 to 2.2.5? Also, do you know where I can download the upgrade?

As I explained I have XOOPS ver 2.2.2 and MySQL 4.1 on my production site.

I am also setting up a TEST site with the following setup:

with Apache web server v2.0.52, MySQL v14.7 (Distrib 4.1.20), and XOOPS v2.0.16.

If I drop in the database info and content from my Production site to the TEST site will there be a problem in the transfer? Should have the same XOOPS version setup to be safe?

Thanks again

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