Re: Users article editing
  • 2006/12/27 23:39

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

Hello. I've installed AMS and it doesn't this (or I don't know how to do it). I want to let the user to save and later edit the article before submitting. It only can be done if the user has approve permissions, then it can see the full editing boxes (description and body of article) and can access it before it is approved. I want that the common user could write articles, save it for later editing, and then submit it, but not to approve it. After submitting there is another group of users that can approve those submitted articles.


Users article editing
  • 2006/12/25 22:19

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29


I'm searching for a way to let the users of my site to write articles and news easily. I'm using the standard news module (xoops 2.0.16). I want that the users could write an article, save it for later editing, and when they have finished it submit the article to the admin/moderator for approving.

Exists any functionality or module that will let me do it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: HTML in comments
  • 2006/12/21 22:51

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

Oooops... I've followed some instructions on hacking tinyeditor into XOOPS because I couldn't select tinyeditor in the news module... now I've updated the news module to 1.51 and I can select it from the module preferences.

Thanks anyway.

HTML in comments
  • 2006/12/21 20:18

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

Hello. I've installed tinyeditor in XOOPS 2.0.16 to easy the article edition for non-technical users. But now all editors are wysiwyg. And the result of tinyeditor is HTML code, and it can't be viewed correctly in comments. So I need one of:

a) Activate HTML in comments, so commentes edited with tinyeditor are viewed correctly... or...

b) Use tinyeditor only for articles, and use DHTML for comments and forum editing (prefered).

I'll appreciate help on any of those topics.

More info:

XOOPS Version: 2.0.16
Module Name/Version: tinyeditor 1.0 RC1
PHP Version:5.0.4
MySQL Version: 4.1.14
Operating System: Fedora Core 4

Thanks in advance.

Re: News editing by normal user
  • 2006/5/29 20:18

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29

Well... thanks. I've solved it now, it's a silly problem. Thanks anyway.

News editing by normal user
  • 2006/5/29 15:28

  • Peluco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2006/5/29


I'm just started using XOOPS to make a website, and I want to let the users create and edit their own articles. I'm using the news module, but when a normal user creates an article, he can't edit it again, only the admin can get access to the 'edit' option in the article. I've been tweaking the permissions, but I can't make it work.

Help please!!


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