Hhhmmm.... I searched around, and have seen this tread:
https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2602&page=2This tread is from skalpa about XOOPS 2.3 / 2.4 and tells that this new releases (2.3/2.4) will be based on 2.0.13 and not 2.2.3. But a bunch of code "copied" from 2.2.3 "down" to 2.0.13.
=> This would mean I should use the 2.0.13 to start my mod dev. and grow with the 2.0.13 rel.
or will be so many code copied from 2.2.3 into 2.0.13 that it is more a 2.2.3 releas as a 2.0.13 release.
=> This means go with 2.2.3 as before recomandet already.
So I do not know which code base I should use now?
Or do I think to far and complicated? And just start and use the 2.2.3?