Re: Strange user error?
  • 2005/9/2 13:57

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29


pegasus00321 wrote:
You no longer need Protector. XOOPS now has a Security Class which does many things that Protector does.

For XOOPS do we still need to use XOOPS protector or not?

Thank you.

Re: Flashgames module and Xoops problem
  • 2005/9/2 8:38

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29


adrock wrote:
well...mine let me create a category...but none of the blocks that came with it worked....also the only way to upload a game was through the front page of the module, it did not recognize the games if you added them via ftp

Yes, it worked like a champ in XOOPS 2.0.10RC2 but not in XOOPS


adrock wrote:
If I remember, the only thing that really worked in the admin section was creating a category....nothing else really worked.

I wish I can atleast create category. I don't mind uploading it from module page. Because in admin the upload url isn't correct which I found while playing with flashfames in 2.0.10RC2...


adrock wrote:
xcGallery 'may' be causing some problems....look and see if xcGallery and myAlbum can be run at the same time (somewhere in the forums), because the flashgames module is a hack of the myalbum module that allows flash embeding in the page, and has removed all of the picture functionality from view...but not from the database....

Yes, for this may be I need to look the forum more. But xcGal and flashgames are working well together in 2.0.10RC2!!


adrock wrote:
Hey! There's an idea! adding flash inclusion to the XOOPS core so that it will automatically display the flash items, like it currently does with images....then we could make a game forum or something and do it that way!

I couldn't ask this much to the core developers. Whatever we get I'm thankful...

Thanks a lot for taking time to respond.

Re: Flashgames module and Xoops problem
  • 2005/9/2 7:05

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29


adrock wrote:
I got it to work in sort of....

try uninstalling it and re-uploading and installing it.

Could have been an ftp geek or something....

Thanks adrock, let me try uploading it through ftp. I did it through Cpanel and it didn't work...

Besides, I found one more folder which needs to be chmod to 777..

Installationsanweisungen |

Den Ordner "Flashgames" in das Modules Verzeichnis kopieren und über das Admin Menü installieren
Die Ordner /games und /cache benötigenb Schreibrechte (chmod 777)

/cache folder... I couldn't find English version of installation...

1st Edit : I chmod /cache and /games folder to 777 but still I cannot the problem remains the same. I wonder if it has to do with my hosting...

This XOOPS isn't a fresh installation, it was upgraded from 2.0.10 RC 2.

I have modules like XOOPS Protector, shoutbox, news 1.4, Guestbook, xcGallery, polls and newBB2... should I try uninstalling XOOPS protector or not?

Re: Flashgames module and Xoops problem
  • 2005/9/2 5:40

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29

What could be the reason? Since XOOPS 2.0.10 RC2 is hosted with another host I'm wondering if the problem has to do with the host of XOOPS

Please help me.

Thank you in advance!

Flashgames module and Xoops problem
  • 2005/9/1 13:30

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29

When I installed flashgames Version 0.9 RC1 in XOOPS 2.0.10 RC2 and it worked perfectly.

However, when I installed in XOOPS I cannot create any CATEGORY nor cannot configure or change preference. Since I cannot create categories hence I cannot submit any games as well.

Is there any changes in version which doesn't allow flashgames Version 0.9 RC1 not to work properly?

Please help. Thank you in advance!

[Note: I gave the same comment in flashgames release news which is really old, I'm afraid that it is not the right place to seek for help. Therefore, I'm posting here again for help].

Re: Hacked? Administration Menu Modules disappear
  • 2005/7/23 3:39

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29

Thanks m0nty,

I deleted the file and now it works fine. I shouldn't have written by including 'hacked?' It was a mistake.

How can this problem be avoided in the future?

I find more files inside cache... will it be done from admin > preference where one can select time span for caching files?

I never doubt the security set up of xoops, besides XOOPS protector in place I'm well confident and also I've been visiting xoops.org site regularly for updates.

Administration Menu Modules disappear
  • 2005/7/23 3:18

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29

I got updated my system from 2.0.10 to 2.0.13 successfully and everything was working fine. Thereafter, I installed xcGallery and it worked fine till last night. When I woke up this morning and entered Administration page, I couldn't find any modules in the left side of administration page.

Administration page is almost blank except link to Control panel home(clicking leads to the same page), XOOPS News, homepage and logout, and of course the footer (Powered by XOOPS 2.0.13 © 2001-2005 The XOOPS Project)

Please help!

Re: Blunder in patch update : Please help
  • 2005/7/21 19:27

  • Housefly

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  • Since: 2005/3/29

Thanks alot. Dave_L

I was updating using my previous backup. Another mistake. I have newbb 2.02 in my hard-disk. When I uploaded it works fine as usual.

Now I can proceed updating it to 2.0.13. Thanks alot!

Blunder in patch update : Please help
  • 2005/7/21 18:12

  • Housefly

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29

Poor me! While updating my site from version 2.0.10 to 2.0.12a by pure mistake I even updated module/newbb/post.php even though my newbb was newbb2 (not version 1), now I cannot post anymore in my site forum. In my frustration I re-uploaded post.php file from version 2.0.10 but it doesn't work.

I also have updated system mobule and newbb module, still it doesn't work.

Please help me. Thanks.

(I have requested the same as COMMENT in Security News, but since it doesn't appear anymore in the homepage, I'm posting in the forum again, thanks).

Re: Need to upgrade to Version 2.0.13 from 2.0.10 files where?
  • 2005/7/3 3:10

  • Housefly

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29


psindia wrote:
apply the patch 2.0.10 to 2.0.12a
then to 2.0.13

Thanks for replying. But my problem also is where to get patch files to apply from 2.0.10 to 2.0.12a? I can only find patch for 2.0.12a to 2.0.13... please help me more!

1st Edit:
I've found it. Thanks.

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