Re: Help! All block disappear after server move (2.2.3 Final)

Thank you for the advice. The chmode change seems to have done the trick - fingers crossed!

Help! All block disappear after server move (2.2.3 Final)

After moving from one server to another, three different XOOPS instances have the same problem: no blocks are visible. When I go to my sites, only the top page of the initial module shows. No blocks appear (eg log in, links, etc). I can go to the different modules by going to the admin section and switching from there to a particular module, but I only see the top page and none of the module's blocks.

Any clues as to where I might go to solve this will be gratefully received!!!

XOOPS Version:XOOPS 2.2.3 Final
Module Name/Version: ISSUE OCCURS IN ALL MODULES! But error messages shown below from article module with default theme
PHP Version: 4.3.9
MySQL Version: 5.0.37-community
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System:Linux
Theme you are using: default
Custom template: (Yes/No) No

PHP Debug Messages:
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: xoops_module_header in file /mysite/class/theme.php line 120
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: xoops_module_header in file /mysite/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 566
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: xoops_module_header in file /mysite/class/theme.php line 136
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: xoops_module_header in file /mysite/class/theme.php line 243

MySQL Debug Messages:
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = 'b0a92a9f83f3b9302b070c81b2a3ff2d'
( 0.000493)
SELECT * FROM xoops_users u, xoops_user_profile p WHERE u.uid = p.profileid AND uid = '1' LIMIT 0, 1
( 0.000704)
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'article'
( 0.00056)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '34') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.001224)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000711)
SELECT * FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE (gperm_modid = '1' AND gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2,6,6,6,6,6))
( 0.004369)
SELECT DISTINCT i.instanceid, b.*, i.* FROM xoops_block_instance i, xoops_newblocks b, xoops_block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=i.instanceid AND i.instanceid IN (63,50,67,31,26,69,3,68,65,62,51,46,45,44,37,35,29,28,27,22,21,70,61,1,2,34,60,56,55,54,53,52,59,58,32,57,49,40,47,43,41,39,38,36,30,25,24,23,20,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,64,66) AND i.visible=1 AND i.bid=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND m.module_id=0 AND m.pageid IN (0, 1) ORDER BY i.weight,i.instanceid
Error number: 1030
Error message: Got error 28 from storage engine
( 0.001831)
SELECT * FROM xoops_xoopsnotifications WHERE (not_modid = '34' AND not_category = 'global' AND not_uid = '1')
( 0.00084)
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 34
( 0.000337)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'article_index.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.00087)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'article_inc_category.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.000672)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'article_inc_sponsor.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.000695)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_notification_select.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.000583)
Total Number of Queries: 14 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.013889

Queries module
SELECT * FROM xoops_art_category WHERE (cat_pid = '0') ORDER BY cat_order ASC
( 0.000981)
SELECT * FROM xoops_art_spotlight ORDER BY sp_id DESC LIMIT 1
( 0.000598)
SELECT * FROM xoops_smiles
( 0.000342)
SELECT DISTINCT a.art_id FROM xoops_art_article AS a LEFT JOIN xoops_art_artcat AS ac ON ac.art_id=a.art_id WHERE 1=1 AND ac.cat_id IN (30,6,9,8,10,7,26,13,1,24,11,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25) AND (ac.ac_feature > '0') ORDER BY a.art_id DESC LIMIT 0, 5
( 0.000955)
SELECT uid,writer_id,art_title,art_summary,art_image,art_pages,art_categories,art_time_publish,art_counter,art_comments,art_id FROM xoops_art_article WHERE art_id IN (11,46,45,38,37,36,28,27,26,25,24,41,29,22,18,16,15,19,5,44,43,42,12,8,9,4,3,2,14,13,35) ORDER BY art_id DESC
( 0.00098)
SELECT uid, uname, name FROM xoops_users WHERE level>0 AND uid IN(1,5)
( 0.000567)
SELECT writer_id, writer_name FROM xoops_art_writer WHERE writer_id IN(2)
( 0.00047)
SELECT * FROM xoops_art_text WHERE text_id = 8
( 0.000629)
SELECT ac.cat_id, COUNT(*) as count FROM xoops_art_artcat AS ac WHERE ac.cat_id IN (30,6,9,8,10,7,26,13,1,24,11,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25) AND (ac.ac_publish > '0') GROUP BY ac.cat_id
( 0.000714)
SELECT cat_pid, COUNT(*) as count FROM xoops_art_category WHERE cat_pid IN (30,6,9,8,10,7,26,13,1,24,11,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25) GROUP BY cat_pid
( 0.000453)
SELECT top_title,top_id FROM xoops_art_topic WHERE (top_expire > '1180183938' AND cat_id IN (30,6,9,8,10,7,26,13,1,24,11,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25)) ORDER BY top_time DESC LIMIT 0, 10
( 0.000373)
Total Number of Queries: 11 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.007062

Queries block
Total Number of Queries: 0 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0

Total: 0 blocks

Execution Time
XOOPS took 0.30940890312195 seconds to load.


Smarty Debug Messages:
Queries core
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = 'b0a92a9f83f3b9302b070c81b2a3ff2d'
( 0.000516)
SELECT * FROM xoops_users u, xoops_user_profile p WHERE u.uid = p.profileid AND uid = '1' LIMIT 0, 1
( 0.000722)
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
( 0.000585)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.001536)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000705)
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplfile WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_redirect.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
( 0.000831)
Total Number of Queries: 7 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.004895

Queries module
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE conf_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.00128)
SELECT * FROM xoops_smiles
( 0.000378)
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '4') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000497)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'slogan', conf_title = '_MD_AM_SLOGAN', conf_value = 'Australia's Leading Daily Surf Report', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_SLOGANDSC', conf_formtype = 'textbox', conf_valuetype = 'text', conf_order = 1 WHERE conf_id = 2
( 0.000249)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'adminmail', conf_title = '_MD_AM_ADMINML', conf_value = 'admin@realsurf.com', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_ADMINMLDSC', conf_formtype = 'textbox', conf_valuetype = 'text', conf_order = 2 WHERE conf_id = 3
( 0.000224)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'theme_set_allowed', conf_title = '_MD_AM_THEMEOK', conf_value = 'a:7:{i:0;s:8:"bluepg.1";i:1;s:10:"butterbox7";i:2;s:10:"butterbox9";i:3;s:12:"butterbox9.1";i:4;s:7:"default";i:5;s:7:"phpkaox";i:6;s:9:"timV2.1bp";}', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_THEMEOKDSC', conf_formtype = 'theme_multi', conf_valuetype = 'array', conf_order = 10 WHERE conf_id = 11
( 0.00023)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'debug_mode', conf_title = '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE', conf_value = 'a:1:{i:0;s:1:"3";}', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODEDSC', conf_formtype = 'select_multi', conf_valuetype = 'array', conf_order = 18 WHERE conf_id = 19
( 0.000284)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'closesite_okgrp', conf_title = '_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOK', conf_value = 'a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOKDSC', conf_formtype = 'group_multi', conf_valuetype = 'array', conf_order = 21 WHERE conf_id = 22
( 0.000223)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'bad_ips', conf_title = '_MD_AM_BADIPS', conf_value = 'a:1:{i:0;s:9:"";}', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC', conf_formtype = 'textarea', conf_valuetype = 'array', conf_order = 30 WHERE conf_id = 31
( 0.00024)
UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_modid = 1, conf_catid = 1, conf_name = 'module_cache', conf_title = '_MD_AM_MODCACHE', conf_value = 'a:21:{i:2;s:1:"0";i:3;s:1:"0";i:12;s:1:"0";i:5;s:1:"0";i:22;s:1:"0";i:8;s:1:"0";i:27;s:1:"0";i:16;s:1:"0";i:23;s:1:"0";i:17;s:1:"0";i:18;s:1:"0";i:26;s:1:"0";i:28;s:1:"0";i:29;s:1:"0";i:30;s:1:"0";i:31;s:1:"0";i:32;s:1:"0";i:33;s:1:"0";i:34;s:1:"0";i:35;s:1:"0";i:36;s:1:"0";}', conf_desc = '_MD_AM_MODCACHEDSC', conf_formtype = 'module_cache', conf_valuetype = 'array', conf_order = 31 WHERE conf_id = 32
( 0.000224)
SELECT * FROM xoops_user_profile_field
( 0.000725)
Total Number of Queries: 11 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.004554

Queries block
Total Number of Queries: 0 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0

Total: 0 blocks

Execution Time
XOOPS took 0.16978311538696 seconds to load.

Token Validation: Valid Token Found

A full description of the issue:

Re: full text email subscriptions to news topics?

thank you for the response Bender. I've had a try at leaving a request for this feature at the forum you indicated. In the meantime, I will be looking at other ways in which I might solve this issue. If I get anywhere with it, I'll post here.

full text email subscriptions to news topics?

I'd like my users to be able to receive via email the full text of new reports posted in my news module - instead of a simple notification of a change in a topic.

I have XOOPS 2.2.3 and am using News 1.43. But I would change to a different module for this capability.

My ideal solution would be a 'get updates to this news topic emailed to you' option that users could select in notifications.

My present non-xoops site has 30+ reporters, some of whom have 1000 or more subscribers.

Newbie asks: how restrict user groups to a particular theme?

I'm sure this is an easy one, but after a few hours of hunting around I have not been able to find out how to restrict a particular user group's view of my site to a specific theme.

I want anonymous users to see one theme and other user groups to see another. And, I'd like admins to see a third theme!

Thanks in advance!


How patch & update modules that are ports (eg from OScommerce)

I'm a complete newbie.

some of the modules I most want to add to my XOOPS site are ports of pre-existing applications. To be specific, I currently use the following on my non-xoops site:


In all three cases there have been recent patches and updates for these applications which my tech guy has installed to keep us up to date.

My question: if I have a XOOPS site using modules based on these applications, how do I manage the patching and updating process?

Supplementary question: are XOOPS modules effectively snapshots of the ported application at a particular stage in its development which cannot themselves be updated?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to being a useful member of the community when I begin to learn and get some experience in xoops!


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