Hello guys,
I had installed XOOPS 2.0.14 on my host with modules: news 1.44, protector 2.57, theme changer 2, filemanager 3 and Spotlight news 1.4.
My XOOPS site work very well, usually I wait about 2-3 seconds for servers response and less than 1 second to dowlonad index.php or any page of my site.
But sometimes (few times per day) my XOOPS work very slow, I wait more than 10 seconds for servers response. After 10 minutes my XOOPS work fine. Downloading XOOPS page is very fast, but I must wait much time for servers response.
When my XOOPS work such slow, index.php or other pages sometimes return blank page, after refresh XOOPS return normal page.
My host's admin told me that this situation is only on my accont, any other client don't informed them about simillar situation. Admin told me also that this might byby bad optimised SQL queries, because on his site all looks good.
I don't know what is wrong, my hosting company is very solid firm, all of my pages work fine.
When this situation starts (it takes about 10 minutes) I can't acces my databases by PMA, I wait for servers response very long.
My site in this momment use cache for all blocks and I think is very goos optimised.
Had Had anyone simillar problem ?
# This problem isn't only on my PC, my friends also have problem with my page few times per day
# I will come back 28th of august, sory if I can't post any other informations.