Blank Page After New Installation

I know this is all over the forums cause I've been all over the forums here and on other sites, and I really tried to avoid posting a request for assistance, but at this point I'm stumped.

Let me give a little background of what I've got going on. First off I loaded PHP 5.0.2 (in haste), MySQL 4.021, and XOOPS on a Win 2K3 box, and configured IIS as the web server. As is documented throughout the forums this was met with a host of problems. I resolved one thing after another until I got down to an Access Violation error on XOOPS 2.0.8 when trying to install the NewBB and News module (I couldn't find anything regarding my specific error, and tried several things to resolve it).

So yesterday I wiped out my c:\php directory, loaded PHP 4, reconfigured IIS for the appropriate DLL, reinstalled MySQL, and reinstalled XOOPS I know I took some unnecessary steps, but I justed wanted to have a fresh start with this. Everything went smoothly through the XOOPS install, and tested successfully up to that point (phpinfo, and phpMyAdmin), but now all I get is a blank page.

I've turned debugging on in the php.ini file, modified the common.php file, and enabled debugging in the database, but all I get is bland looking white page. No errors, no nada. I can however generate errors in many ways, and they do get displayed. I've also checked the IIS error log, but it doesn't provide any insight into what is going on.

Does anyone have any suggestions beside putting my webserver out of it's misery? Thanks for any help you can offer.

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