Apache probs - Can't see local site over network
  • 2004/9/10 16:39

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20


I have recently set up a local server with apache/mysql/php/xoops/etc

I can see the site locally through http://localhost but on any other machine on the network using http://ip.of.the.machine , I get 'The Connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost'

The XP firewall of the XP Server machine is up but has an exception for HTTP Apache.

Any ideas people?

Order of side blocks\Modules
  • 2004/9/10 10:30

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20


I am new to XOOPS and new to webdesign so be gently ;)

Is there a way to se the order in which modules are listed on each side of the site (right and left) For instance at the moment I have the user menu, then the search box underneath. I would like the search box at the top of the column.

Hope this makes sense.



Re: Using Xoops Locally - XSAS
  • 2004/9/9 11:36

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

thank you so much for this. with those edits I have finally managed to see my fully functioning site locally.

One last question. I have carried this out on a work PC. I want to do the same on my webserver at home. Can I zip the whole of the www\ DIR on this machine and dump it on the one at home and get it to work?

thanks again for you're help

Re: Using Xoops Locally - XSAS
  • 2004/9/9 8:13

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

i'm actually using apache, but assume the concept is the same. I have a live site on the internet. I have installed a fresh copy of XOOPS and then downloaded all the files into the webroot folder. Then I went to the internet version of phpMyAdmin and exported the database, then imported it to the local phpMyAdmin. I searched for my site url in the exported .sql file but there was only reference to it except email addresses. After importing locally I just get a blank white screen on http://localhost ... before I imported the database and downloaded the files I could see the default install.

What do you mean by dump all my tables?

I am lost

Re: Using Xoops Locally - XSAS
  • 2004/9/8 10:44

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

Ok I have solved that problem. But after importing the table successfully I now can't see my site localy. Just a blank white page??

Please help

Re: Using Xoops Locally - XSAS
  • 2004/9/8 9:24

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

You say 17. Open PHPMyAdmin in XSAS and import the database you just edited.

I can't see the import option? Am I being thick?

Re: Who's Online problem
  • 2004/8/25 9:11

  • W1ZeR

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this happens to me also

Having a Local Test Environment
  • 2004/8/24 10:13

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

I want to setup a local server to test my XOOPS development. I have php/mysql/apache/phpmyadmin All working fine. I have downloaded and installed XOOPS and it is fully working.

What i'd like to do is download the server (live) version the site so i can have an exact copy on my local network. I tried downloading thw whole public directory but this did not work. Is there any way to download the ful live working site to my local network??

Re: Total Beginner, 2 Issues....
  • 2004/8/23 11:59

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

wow! thanks!

That simple setting solved both problems.

Thank you very much!!

Total Beginner, 2 Issues....
  • 2004/8/23 8:08

  • W1ZeR

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/8/20

I posted this in the Themes forums but did not get a reply and I am desperate

Complete Beginer, 2 issues
Hi, As the title says, I am a complete beginer at XOOPS and theme design. I have very limited HTML/CSS skills. I know nothing about PHP, JS, etc.

I am trying to stuggle though customising my XOOPS site and am running into problems.

1. Whilst playing around, trying to understand how to control and manipluate the theme, I entered some bits of code that now for some reason will not go away. for example I enteres some text (TEST TEST TEST) in the headerbar. Even tho I have deleted it, saved it and re-uploaded it. It is still there!

2. I want to set a background image in the headerbanner tb. I have tried the following

style="background-image: url(header_background.jpg)"
and in the style.css
"background-image: url(header_background.jpg)"

none of these options work and they seem to be affected by problem 1.

Any ideas? I am a total newbie.. so be gentle

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