Re: Friendly Note : Surpass Now Offers More
  • 2005/9/7 23:31

  • surpass

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PHP4 is default (.php) but you can use PHP5 by using the .php5 extension.

Friendly Note : Surpass Now Offers More
  • 2005/9/7 2:35

  • surpass

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Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that we have new plans (WebDev Plans) that include:

PHP4 4.3.11 (.php)
PHP5 5.0.4 (.php5)
MySQL (4.1)
PostgreSQL (7.4.8)
Ruby 1.8.2
Ruby on Rails 0.13.0
FastCGI 2.4.2
Perl 5.8.5
Mod_Resin 3.0.9 (.jsp)
Mod_Mono 0.3.7 (.aspx)

These plans are on special servers with very few accounts for ultimate performance.

It should be fun for all, and of course very useful. :)

Surpass Hosting

Re: Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2005/7/15 1:43

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18


Kainaij wrote:
The fault was with my hosting company Globalhosting.com. Basically their message said "You account has been suspended because you've made payment". My site was actually down for 3-4 hours before I noticed this.

I did call them, their tech was unapologetic, etc...

I will be moving to surpass. There is no doubt in my mind.

Have you moved yet?

Re: Has anyone installed Xoops on an Ipowerweb server?
  • 2005/7/15 1:40

  • surpass

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Jamescne wrote:
I have one site on Ipower and works fine. But, I'm dumping ipower and moving to IXwebhosting to solve a problem with email.

Ipower, on shared servers, only allows 5 emails to be sent every 10 seconds. I kept having problems with my news letters only going to the first five people and erroring out on the rest.

IXwebhosting has the limit set to 100 emails at a time...

Most likely that is a precaution in place in case any site on the server is exploited and used to send spam (mainly phish scams).. I would believe iPowerWeb has more problems with that due to more users and more servers, thus they have ended up enforcing such a strict rule. That seems _more_ strict than general rules, but it's in good spirit (or sanity protection)... :)

Re: Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2005/6/1 4:42

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

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Kainaij wrote:

Could the strategy that this company employs is to squeeze their lower tiered customers until they relent and dish out for more lucrative plans (i.e. reseller or dedicated plans)? Yikes. Hopefully that's not the case. That may explain why some of their customers here swear by them, they are the ones who have the more "expensive" plans.


I invite you to read through my post again regarding the other client's suspension issue, mainly this section below. We certainly do not feel that way. A 'lower tier' customer has no reason to upgrade if their site continues to have the same content and traffic, so that doesn't make much sense.

Honestly we do not really enjoy having to tell someone they need to upgrade, because not everyone will have the funds available to pay for their own server (not all sites collect payments or donations). We try to give sites a fair chance and see if the issues are only temporary, such as promotions or ads causing temporary traffic boosts. However, your site needed to be moved as quickly as possible. We could not have other sites on the server going down and random services timing out. Of course your site needed to operate at a peak level as well, considering the demand for its content. So considering the past history of your site and the continual growth, to us this was clearly the right decision to begin discussion on moving your site.

ByGreen, I am currently researching your issue and your ticket will be replied to shortly, I apologize for the delay but you were emailed when the suspension occured. ByGreen, if you do choose to work with us through this problem, we are definitely going to issue you a free month of service.

Most sites are suspended due to MySQL issues. Since a large percentage of sites on any shared server more than likely use databases, you can imagine the issues that can come up and it can be hard to get everyone on the same page.

If sites never grew and had a need for more resources, then that would be excellent. These types of issues would not come up and servers would run fine 24/7. But that is not the case, and if we do nothing, then all customers on a server will begin to have problems.

In recent 2 months the site speed is getting slow and there's MySql downtimes which always last for a couple of minutes.

We obviously are suspending accounts to prevent that from happening. When you experience MySQL downtimes it is because another user is consuming too much. MySQL isn't just randomly timing out, an account is causing it, or a combination of multiple accounts. It is plain and simple. If we do nothing, that will continue. This has been the case with your site. The exact reason is what we have to find out.

When we say "suspended due to resource abuse," many people think we are talking about space and bandwidth. That is never the case, we give a good amount of space and bandwidth and we want you to use it. When we suspend sites, it has nothing to do with what plan you have, it is because of how much CPU and memory you are using compared to the other sites on the server.

recent downtime and strict suspension rules are due to their overselling or not

We certainly do not oversell, we place less then 145 users per server (Dual Xeon 2.4 2GB RAM machines) while the "industry average" is 400.


martyboy wrote:
On my main site MJTKOP.COM I use alot of modules I also have over 6000 images in xcgal module, I also have 2 other XOOPS sites with only a few modules one site for testing and one site as an addon domain which is my girlfriends site so I am at a loss why your site would have been using the server too much.

Mainly sites that use databases and have many users are sites that begin to cause issues on a server. However, sometimes it is a bad combination of multiple programs and add-ons (and hardly any traffic at all, just basic use). We cannot predict which combinations are going to cause issues, that is another hard part about it.

I wish everyone could understand how time consuming and stressful it can be for us, too. Some servers never have any issues, and then it seems the next server we put up gets about 10 sites that are very resource intensive due to various reasons, and we have to begin to straighten that out in some way.

Hosting is not as simple as, "Put x number of users on server a and keep the ethernet cable plugged in and router operative."

So here we are, investigating programs (some we may have never heard of) and trying to get everyone situated (some cooperative, some not, some understanding, some confused), and unfortunately sometimes our tickets get drawn out and we are working to improve that. We definitely document all issues that occur and look for patterns so that in the future this is all more streamlined.

Re: Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2005/5/31 6:57

  • surpass

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

gazhead2005 wrote:
This company is a sham. Packages start out with great pricing, but if its too good to be true, it usually is. Our newspaper web site was hosted with them for over a year with usual down periods known by other Surpass Customers. They suspended our site with a nasty message for all of our readers to view. It gave the impression that we had not paid our bills!

As an introduction to the issue, some websites do not stay the same size forever. Some have communuties that grow larger or evolving content that attracts more visitors. Sometimes you can't stay on the same plan, that is why there is a wide selection of plans.

Our interest is keeping everyone on a server content with their services. If we allow a busy site to stay on a server and never move it, then that means the server is going to run slow at times and have other problems, for example- mail service can begin to have issues, email being the most important service on a server besides http of course.

Our suspended page is the default cPanel suspended page which states "Contact billing/support" meaning contact either department. It is not intended to be a "nasty" message, we did not write it. However, due to people looking at only the "billing" part, we do understand we should put a customized page on each server and that has been in the works.

We were current with a perfect billing history on record with our bank. After multiple emails (over 20) they finally responded saying our site used to many resources and that if we wanted to continue as a customer, we would have to upgrade from $25.00 per month to $90.00 per month. That would have been easier to handle had they given us some prior notice. THEY DIDN'T and it cost us weeks of downtime and was embarassing to have our readers presented with a "This Site Suspended" page.

It is much appreciated that you were always current with your bill but that was not the issue. Your site was always one of the top sites on the server, it was always monitored. Over time we have moved 4 sites from this server as they grew and those sites were the cause of downtimes on occasion.

Honestly we do not really enjoy having to tell someone they need to upgrade, because not everyone will have the funds available to pay for their own server (not all sites collect payments or donations). We try to give sites a fair chance and see if the issues are only temporary, such as promotions or ads causing temporary traffic boosts. However, your site needed to be moved as quickly as possible. We could not have other sites on the server going down and random services timing out. Of course your site needed to operate at a peak level as well, considering the demand for its content. So considering the past history of your site and the continual growth, to us this was clearly the right decision to begin discussion on moving your site.

Hours after we made this decision the server was running slowly again. (This is May 23rd.) Your site crashed the server and had to be disabled at that moment. It could not stay online. Before we could prepare the logs for you, you did send about 20 emails, one being at 02:48 PM. At 03:13 PM you were replied to and your site was unsuspended (which means the site was suspended for a few hours, not weeks as you said here in your post) and you were told by that technician the following:

"Your account was suspended for MySQL resource abuse. The database being used was islandg_pmac1.

I have unsuspended your account for the time being, please ensure that your MySQL usage is at a normal level.

Please note should your account use the amount of resources, it will be suspended again."

At that time the second admin did contact you and inform you about the situation, here is the timestamp of that email.

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 4:05 PM

We did not receive a response to that email even though you had just been in contact with us less than an hour before?

Later in the night, the site was again causing the server to crash. We emailed you a final warning that we needed to begin the move.

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: islandgazette.net will be suspended
> Since you have failed to respond the site is being suspended

You still did not reply, but we did not suspend it. We waited for your response and monitored the server and tried to keep things running normally. We understand it is a website for what appears to be a prominent newspaper, although any site we host has its own perfect right to be online.

It seems to me that your organization needed an OK from a manager, and you were buying time, which is completely understandable. The next morning (May 24th), we received a reply from someone that a message was uploaded that stated the site would be unavailable due to an upgrade.

Since the 24th, we have waited for any reply regarding the finalization, all the while this database was still being accessed and the server was suffering.

On Sunday, still no reply, but the usage was getting too massive and we could not wait any longer.

Sun May 29 16:22:31 2005
MySQL resource abuse; DB: islandg_pmac1 (second time, same database)

It was suspended (for the second time) Sun May 29 16:22:31.

Still no emails back from anyone at your organization. The last time anyone talked to us was May 24th. Now it was the 29th and we simply could not keep up with the monitoring any longer.

In a nutshell, first your site was suspended for a few hours (May 23rd), and then there was not any more communication from your side finalizing the move. On May 29th, it had to be suspended again. Instead of getting the issue resolved, we instead get multiple emails sent to our billing department (May 30) requesting immediate cancellation.

We also get this post.

I check the XOOPS forum from time to time, and was shocked to see this post here, and investigated the situation.

I am not sure if the site was XOOPS based... I am trying to determine that but your site is currently timing out at your other provider, or actually it is a DNS issue.

Resized Image

I have went to your site, up and available on our server in IP form, but can't tell due to the message posted of course.


I searched the server for XOOPS installs, and strangely, there doesn't seem to be any for your account.

and will make it known that simply, Surpass Hosting Sucks.

As I said before, you seem to be a prominent newspaper in your area, I can't really imagine the owner using such unprofessional language on a public web forum.

We were communicating well with *someone* from your organization, but I am not really sure what happened with that. To me this seems like a case of bad communication and mistruths between multiple people at your organization.

gazhead, I am not sure if you are that person that was cooperating with us (which seemed to be the owner), or an associate that is missing some details.

At any rate, the DNS seems to have already been changed so good luck with your new hosting company, we wish you well.

Re: Self hosting
  • 2005/4/25 3:40

  • surpass

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I think you should purchase a dedicated server with a hosting company first to see how things go, and to see what types of common issues arise.

Then after enough time has passed, you can go for colocation. This is usually when you send your own server that you have built or purchased, and they basically just keep it online and perform any reboots. You would be doing everything technical involved. That is how most colocation services work, but there are some that will also do support for you for a fee. Might as well keep their dedicated server plan if you'll be needing support.

If you tire of all of those options, then I personally do not have much info on hosting on your own. I think there is alot of peace of mind when you host with a company that already has a lot of experience in it, and that is probably the biggest advantage.

Re: Simple blog with picture gallery.
  • 2004/11/13 4:36

  • surpass

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I think this should be moved to another category.. this is a category for discussing web hosts. :) If I could move it for you to expedite an answer, I would.

Re:Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2004/11/13 4:29

  • surpass

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Does anyone have a standard install of XOOPS working on Surpass servers?

Has anyone successfully upgraded to 2.0.9 successfully?

I have not had this issue with any other hosting providers.

Also no imageMagiK

There are at least 10 people that I know of in this forum that are very happy with Surpass and use Xoops, that is why this thread is here. :) I assume that's how you found us.

Yes we do have ImageMagick, most certainly we do, on all 90+ of our servers.

If there is ever an issue installing XOOPS through Fantastico or Scripta, you should install it manually. I have installed XOOPS for customers on various servers and never had a major problem (at least any that weren't caused by my error). I can try to install it for your personally if you'd like. My email is kfleming[at]surpasshosting.com

EDIT: I hate that I forgot: Tjnemez, thank you for your support.

Re: Need help setting up a dedicated server.
  • 2004/11/8 5:12

  • surpass

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Instead of your current host offering you a higher plan and service, they referred you to another company?

And now the new company is not helping you transfer your site to their services?

This picture is wrong in so many ways. I hope I understand it correctly, but then again it's unsettling to think about. Please feel free to email me kfleming(at)surpasshosting.com if you would like.

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