Re: XOOPS Publisher 1.04 Final available for Testing before official release
  • 2016/10/27 8:04

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2002/6/6 2

You are right ... so silly mistake. I try to move and upgrade an old version of xoops (2.5.5) in a new virtual machine.


Re: XOOPS Publisher 1.04 Final available for Testing before official release
  • 2016/10/25 8:08

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2002/6/6 2

I try to attach a .jpg and a .png image file and I receive the following messages:

1st "An error occurred while uploading the file.
- MIME type not allowed:
- The file you are trying to upload is too big. Error: 1
If the page does not automatically reload, please click here"

2nd "You did not select a valid article!

If the page does not automatically reload, please click here"

Of course in mime type perm. are accepted for admins and users both. I try to attach in files (tab files) area not as article images (tab images). I check all the sizes in prefs (file size and pixels) and it's ok.

In the 2nd try to attach a pdf file everything went well.

Re: XOOPS Publisher 1.04 Final available for Testing before official release
  • 2016/10/25 5:41

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2002/6/6 2

Hi ...
Τesting the new version I found that, when creating a category and at the same time three or four maybe more subcategories, as a result generated the main category and only the first subcategory.

I keep testing it...

Re: How do i add new page and contents in Xoops Version 2.5.7
  • 2014/8/9 19:58

  • kakos

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You should install a module like publisher.

Check this post for xoops 2.5.7


Re: How I correct the problem in xoopstube 1970 date always appears
  • 2014/7/30 6:29

  • kakos

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Take a look at this post: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=358022

In my case it worked ....

@mamba a comment before the date settings for the European countries it's not a bad idea, Something like:

//In European countries, the date format should be d-m-Y instead of Y/m/d

Re: Publisher 1.02 Beta 3 for XOOPS 2.5.7 ready for testing
  • 2014/6/26 9:47

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Hi Mamba and thanx for your answer...

we definitely don't want anything being hard-coded, so if you see anything, please let us know.

Blekk has done a great job on it and certainly he can remove those have left.
As a quick example if you want to change the icons - edit, del, pdf print etc you must modify php files (item.php category.php latest_news.php). After completion of corrections by designers I will do a more detailed check because many of them possibly have been corrected.

There were already few discussions about it - we don't recommend to use the slashes in European dates like this: "d/m/Y". PHP thinks that when there are slashes, it is a US/UK format, and reads the first number as month, and not as day. Please use "d-m-Y", as recommended by Trabis 3 years ago

Thanks for this .... in file global.php date needs to be translated in two cases

// %%%%%        TIME FORMAT SETTINGS   %%%%%
define('_DATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i:s');
define('_MEDIUMDATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i');

 * Additions to 2.5.5
define('_DBTIMESTAMPSTRING','Y-m-d H:i:s');

If there are problems only in European dates format with '/' a comment about it in global.php would help translators follows the right way. When I changed (in first case TIME FORMAT SETTINGS) the '/' with '-' in file global.php the date works normally.

Normally all local changes should be done in your local language files, for example in: \language\YOURLANGUAGE\calendar.php
if you look at Publisher's file:
the Publisher pulls the month names from the "calendar.php" file by building the array: $months_arr

The months in publisher archive appears normally. The calendar.php is translated into my language (Greek). The point still shows months in English is in the article below the title (in smarty tag <{$ item.when}>) with 3 characters like Jan,Oct etc.

Resized Image


Re: Publisher 1.02 Beta 3 for XOOPS 2.5.7 ready for testing
  • 2014/6/24 9:50

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2002/6/6 2

Hello ....

After upgrading publisher with the above upgrade package all changes made by the xbootstrap team gone. To avoid complete mess, a collaboration with bleek (or any other which made the changes) would make smoother the publisher upgrade for end users. Publisher contains many hardcoded elements like the Breadcrumb. To properly display all the elements of publisher, designer had to made some changes to the code of some php files, which are contained in the xbootstrap package (in extras folder).
I hope for a collaboration of teams so the end-users have the correct results.

With the above changes (which break the look) the tabs work normally. That still not working (perhaps a bug) is the date in my local format d/m/Y. As in previous versions of xoops I've made all changes in global.php file, but the publisher still "wants" (only when publishing an article) the date as m/d/Y. If the date given in this format then displayed as defined in global.php.

In case the choice of date made from (javascript) calendar then in the article shows in the position of the day the month and vice versa. If the value of the day is greater than 12 then as the article date displayed 01-Jan-1970.

And one final question unrelated to the above. How can I change in my language the verbal of month that displayed in publisher articles.


Re: how to link my website with a domain
  • 2014/5/6 5:52

  • kakos

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Your question is very vague. During installation "XOOPS" fill out various information. Some of them are the domain name, server path etc. Most of these info written to mainfile.php.

Re: Smarty tags to derive content from profile module and display it only in one (xoops) group
  • 2014/5/5 5:11

  • kakos

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Thanx for your answer...

For profile custom field the post #18 from Trabis in your reference does the job just fine. The groups need more search.

Re: Admin interface for theme
  • 2014/4/30 10:57

  • kakos

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  • Since: 2002/6/6 2

The whole project looks amazing! Why not use the bootstrap grid ...

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