INSERT INTO xoops_bb_posts_text (post_id, post_text) VALUES (10207,'My vote goes to Little Caeser. It's a great place for a pizza in Uptown.');
Predator wrote:
Did you set the permission for each category new and for every forum?
If still trouble send me a PM with your URL and maybe a temp access, i´m tomorrow the whole day online.
Predator wrote:
No it`s not to late to run the updater, after this be sure the templates are also update with the new onces and to have <{$xoops_module_header}> in yout theme.html. All this should do the trick.
Create new Tables
Could not create x_bb_archive
Could not create x_bb_attachments
Could not create x_bb_digest
Could not create x_bb_online
Could not create x_bb_report
Could not create x_bb_votedata
Change old Tables
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Change field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Change field in x_bb_posts
Could not change field in x_bb_posts
Could not change field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
OK exist just to be sure x_bb_posts
OK exist just to be sure x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts_text
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Drop deprecated Tables
Could not drop x_bb_forum_access
Could not drop x_bb_forum_mods
Update finished
The update was successfull, please set the permissions for each Category and Forum in the Adminsection new.
Moderators have to be added new.
Enjoy the Newbb 2.0
by irmtfan on 2005/1/6 5:25:40
do you run the updater?
An Error Occured
SELECT t.*,, u.uname, as last_post_name, u2.uname as last_poster, p.post_time as last_post_time, p.poster_name as last_poster_name, p.icon, p.post_id FROM x_bb_topics t LEFT JOIN x_users u ON u.uid = t.topic_poster LEFT JOIN x_bb_posts p ON p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id LEFT JOIN x_users u2 ON u2.uid = p.uid WHERE (p.post_time > 1096348921 OR t.topic_sticky=1) AND t.forum_id = AND t.approved = 1 AND p.approved = 1 ORDER BY t.topic_sticky DESC, p.post_time DESC
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