Re: Intergrating phpAdsNew 2.05 into templates?
  • 2005/7/30 3:52

  • hightyde

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  • Since: 2003/7/11

I'm stuck on the same problem. Help?

Re: newbb2 "sponsor images" not showing.
  • 2005/6/3 19:53

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

me too. any ideas?

does cache affect site stats?
  • 2005/3/1 20:18

  • hightyde

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  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

I like to turn on module and block cache to better performance but want to know if it will affect my site stats like # of pages viewed. My sever use awstats. cheers!

Re: merge old forum posts
  • 2005/2/6 17:42

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

Can I simply replace the MySQL INSERT statements with some kind of conditional statement like:

If post_id doesn't already exist, then INSERT INTO xoops_bb_posts_text (post_id, post_text) VALUES (10207,'My vote goes to Little Caeser. It's a great place for a pizza in Uptown.');

Right now if I just upload the backup file... the MySQL will insert the records until it runs into the next set of pre-existing records on the newbb2.0 data set. Then I would have to manually open up the backup newbb1.0 files, remove all the records sets that have been inserted so far, then try to upload again.

Then the MySQL will insert the records again until it runs into the next set of pre-existing records on the newbb2.0 data set... and I have to start to process again.

There's got to be an easier way than to do the inserts manually like this.

Please, anyone?

How to insert old forum posts into newbb 2.0 database?
  • 2005/2/6 10:03

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

My current newbb 2.0 database is missing about 7,000 posts, mostly old postsfrom 6-7 months ago. I have a backup of those posts, although they were in newbb 1.0 tables formats.

My question: How do I merge the data (old & new)? I want to insert into the new tables ONLY the threads/posts that were missing.

For example, one of the tables in question is xoops_bb_posts_text:

newbb 1.0 fields: post_id (unique), post_text;
newbb 2.0 fields: post_id (unique), post_text, edit_post;

Right now I have backup of newbb 1.0 records, full of statements like:

INSERT INTO xoops_bb_posts_text (post_id, post_text) VALUES (10207,'My vote goes to Little Caeser. It's a great place for a pizza in Uptown.');

Since the missing posts are scattered throughout the whole record set manually finding/inserting those missing posts would take a whole day or two!

Re: Old Threads Disappeared
  • 2005/1/7 22:35

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11


Predator wrote:
Did you set the permission for each category new and for every forum?

If still trouble send me a PM with your URL and maybe a temp access, i´m tomorrow the whole day online.

Yes, I've re-check the permissions I set for each category & each forum.

The problem is all of us (admin, member, visitor) can only view some of the thread in each forum, but not all of the threads in each forum -- particularly the older threads. So I'm assuming that is not a permission issue.

The forum search function also brings up results only from these newer forum threads.

Re: Old Threads Disappeared
  • 2005/1/7 22:11

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11


Predator wrote:
No it`s not to late to run the updater, after this be sure the templates are also update with the new onces and to have <{$xoops_module_header}> in yout theme.html. All this should do the trick.

Thanks Predator, I run the updater and here are the various screen messages:

Message screen from step 1 of the updater...
Create new Tables
Could not create x_bb_archive
Could not create x_bb_attachments
Could not create x_bb_digest
Could not create x_bb_online
Could not create x_bb_report
Could not create x_bb_votedata

I check my MySQL tables and these tables are all already there. In particular, I notice the already existing x_bb_archive table has a lot of the old threads/posts I want members to still be able to access through search & forum view.

And here is the message screen from step 2 of the updater...
Change old Tables
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Change field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not add field in x_bb_categories
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not drop field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Change field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_forums
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Change field in x_bb_posts
Could not change field in x_bb_posts
Could not change field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
OK exist just to be sure x_bb_posts
OK exist just to be sure x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts
Could not add field in x_bb_posts_text
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics
Could not add field in x_bb_topics

And message screen from step 3 of the updater...
Drop deprecated Tables
Could not drop x_bb_forum_access
Could not drop x_bb_forum_mods

Finally, message screen from final step of updater...
Update finished
The update was successfull, please set the permissions for each Category and Forum in the Adminsection new.

Moderators have to be added new.

Enjoy the Newbb 2.0

When I finish going through the updater, my forum remains the same -- I still can't access any of my older threads/posts.

Re: Old Threads Disappeared
  • 2005/1/7 7:53

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

by irmtfan on 2005/1/6 5:25:40

do you run the updater?

Thank you very much for your reply, irmtfan. No I did not run the updater.

What I did was...
(1) deactivate the old newbb module (but didn't uninstall, in order to keep the existing forum posts),
(2) rename the old newbb file folder,
(3) upload the new newbb file folder, and
(4) installed/activated the new newbb module.

I have a feeling I messed up, didn't I?

Is it too late to run the update script?

Re: Old Threads Disappeared
  • 2005/1/6 9:29

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

I've check the MySQL table and all the old posts are still in the database, which is a great relief.

I've also reset the newbb 2.0 module and yet it still doesn't display my old posts (again, even when I set the display mode to show all posts "from last year" or "from the beginning").

I had a link to an old thread in another part of my site and when I click it it tells me that "You don't have the right to view this topic" then it displays the following error message before returning me to the main forum index.php page:

An Error Occured
SELECT t.*, u.name, u.uname,u2.name as last_post_name, u2.uname as last_poster, p.post_time as last_post_time, p.poster_name as last_poster_name, p.icon, p.post_id FROM x_bb_topics t LEFT JOIN x_users u ON u.uid = t.topic_poster LEFT JOIN x_bb_posts p ON p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id LEFT JOIN x_users u2 ON u2.uid = p.uid WHERE (p.post_time > 1096348921 OR t.topic_sticky=1) AND t.forum_id = AND t.approved = 1 AND p.approved = 1 ORDER BY t.topic_sticky DESC, p.post_time DESC

If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

Now if I was not signin first and click on that link, I would only get a "You don't have the right to view this topic" followed by "You don't have the righ to access this forum." Then it returns me to the forum index.php page.

Please can anyone help me. Thanks in advance.

Old Threads Disappeared after newbb 2.0 install
  • 2005/1/5 20:00

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

I recently upgraded to newbb 2.0 and have enjoyed the new features. Kudos to the devs.

Just notice today that all our old threads have disappeared. I can neither access them thread the forum pagination or via the site search function.

Seems only threads with most recent posts within the last 100 days or so is still kept, the rest can't be found even when I ask the forum to display all threads from last year, or even the beginning.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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