after all the upgrade which i was notified successful,
tried login to the site it was all ok.
but when login to the admin.php.
the site went blank.
tried to troubleshoot, I disable the protector module through the database directly and it then I can login to my admin.
and I can't see the protector module at all from my admin. it also gives a weird and uncompleted load looks of the admin when I load the admin page like the image below
what do I do now? how should I uninstall / reinstall a installed protector which is not visible from the admin?
*update* after some module update.
i enabled the protector from the database again. and tried to login to admin.php. it showed
"Registry not found"
just extra information. i have 2 protector folder. one in the module section and another one in the trusted path side. is that correct?
Other Question:do i need to include these 2 lines back into mainfile.php after the upgrade ?
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/precheck.inc.php' ;
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/postcheck.inc.php' ;