Re: Converted of ICMS to XOOPS
  • 2010/5/6 14:54

  • lucidlee

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  • Since: 2004/10/21

I was going to xgrade my icms experiment to xoops 2.4.4 too - just not yet.

Unfortunately I changed the db password because I couldn't recall it. Now, presumably because of the security provision storing the database connection parameters somewhere outside of the mainfile, I seem to be really locked out. That upgrade has moved up the priority tree.

Looking around in phpmyadmin I see that icms consists of a second db piggybacking the original xoops install and the xoops db seems to be carrying all of the module stuff as well as the original user table.

Perhaps reverting to xoops is little more than deleting the icms db from a backup, copying the modules over to a new xoops directory, running the xoops upgrade, then loading the module specific tables back and running the module update

Its pretty brave but I may have to try it if there are no better ideas.

Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: LDAP Authentication
  • 2010/4/5 15:47

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm using 2.3.17 and note that LDAP authentication is available as of this version at least but there appears to be no documentation about it and not much discussion in the forums. Does anybody use this stuff? Who put it there then?

I have a particular interest because I need to integrate xoops, Quickbooks and a solution written using Servoy. LDAP seems to be an efficient way to provide a single login process.

Anybody out there with a clue about or a pointer to info using LDAP with xoops?

Re: Extcal Question...
  • 2008/5/5 1:16

  • lucidlee

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Hi I'm having a similar problem.
Server timezone = GMT -7:00
Default timezone = GMT +10.00
Personal timezone = GMT +10:00
Individual items given the correct date & time appear on the calendars a day ahead.
I can correct the appearance by setting Server=Default TZ=Personal TZ but this doesn't suit others in different timezones. Try this site: bbpspandc.org.au
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

event guide: multiple reservations
  • 2007/12/10 14:01

  • lucidlee

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  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm using v2.3 of eguide and have recently been asked to modify the reservation form for an event so that three names can be added.

Checking the preferences I noticed that you can set this there and then use some code to get the extra fields to appear on the form. However I'm not having any success with this. The instructions are very ambiguous:
Use item name "3" if multiple persons reservation.
where "3" is the value set in the preferences.

I've tried replacing the name field with "3", I've pre-pended and then post-pended "3" to the field name, I've used *3 and #3 but am getting no joy.

What is the proper syntax to get the extra fields to appear?
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Re: Need Events Planner Module
  • 2007/10/4 14:27

  • lucidlee

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I've also setup event guide 2.3. and it works OK until you want to collect money for an event. Not being a php coder of any sort I figured it might be easier to shoehorn a PayPal button into each event as needed. But how do I get the eguide reservation system to work with it? That is, the reservation system should keep track of who is coming and whether they paid early or late. Also it should handle visitors and registered members.

Does anyone know how to do it or is there an alternative module out there that does. FWIW I've got Subscription module installed for another purpose but I doubt it would handle it anyway.
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Re: "Sorry, you do not have the permission to access this area...."
  • 2007/5/20 14:01

  • lucidlee

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I don't quite understand how or why it suddenly goes awry but I believe I DO have a solution: turn off custom sessions and/or change the name of the custom session prefix.

I did both and was able to get a couple of users, hitherto locked out, to login and navigate normally.

Update: Changing the name of the session prefix did not seem to work for my members, but turning off sessions altogether certainly does.
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MultiMenu 1.90RC support - anyone?
  • 2007/4/18 3:41

  • lucidlee

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I've just updated MM2.82 >> MM 1.9 and am having some difficulties getting it to properly build submenus.

The current problem is that when I add a new menu item as a sublink the module fails to record the PID, defaulting instead to 0. Consequently the submenu (Horizontal CSS dropdown) fails to appear. When I edit the PID manually the submenus function properly.

I've just reinstalled (copy over and update actually) the module but the problem persists. Before I do a complete uninstall/reinstall/menu rebuild:

1. Is anyone else also experiencing my problem, and is there a fix?

2. Is this still the official support forum, or is there another? I note that some of MM's authors seem to have decamped to other websites (instant-zero?) but don't list it as one of their products. I see that wolfactory lists it as their own but you can download only v1.8.

3. So, is it being actively developed or is it end-of-life - in which case what are the best replacement options?
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Re: "Sorry, you do not have the permission to access this area...."
  • 2007/4/2 1:26

  • lucidlee

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I'm also experiencing this notice, but its cause seems to be a variation on others experience.

1. I can logon as superuser but am immediately redirected to the lost password page after the message that "I don't have permission to...".

2. I still get bounced after I empty the session table, flush browser cache, cache & templates_c directories etc. Read/write settings on those directories are correct and a session is created when I logon.

3. I tried using phpMyAdmin to change the startpage to other modules but got the same result so its seems that for some reason module access permissions are either messed up or there is something else missing in the code.

All of this applies to a dev version of my site which I haven't touched for a month or so, but the last action I performed was to replace the multimenu module (1.8-->1.9.1). This module happened to be the startpage which in retrospect is unfortunate because I wasn't logged in at the time and so couldn't run the upgrade script.

After I got the login problem I reverted to the previous version of the module but the problems persist. Its possible that the problem was pre-existing but a month away from the project is a long time.

Are there any more suggestions for diagnosing the source of the problem?
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2007/3/3 16:08

  • lucidlee

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Hi I've read this thread and others with interest without seeing anyone referring to some of the problems I'm having with MM1.8.

In short I'm trying to replace three horizontal javascript menus on a page with three horizontal dynamic CSS menus. I'm slowly conquering the various inconsistencies but I'm stumped by these problems:

1. I need variable item widths on each menu but can adjust it only by editing the block width in the menu preferences

2. I need the widths of items on each menu to be independant of of those on other menus but this doesn't seem to be the case

I assume solving 1 will also solve 2 and assume that there's some setting in the CSS that will fix this but haven't found it yet.

3. I can't get any submenus to appear. Is this a z-index problem?

4. I want the search box on the top menu and can get the data entry field and the button to appear and function but no text appears in the label or in the "advanced search" link afer it.

5. The bottom menu needs to have submenus that pop up, rahter than down

Here is the production site with JS menus: liveACSP

Here is the development site with top and middle menus in MM: devACSP
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: i'll pay 1000USD for a xoops-Shopping Cart module
  • 2006/11/9 6:35

  • lucidlee

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I'm using zencart very happily, although I haven't yet integrated it with xoops. Someone already has created a XOOPS module for it. Zencart handles music downloads, in fact it installs with a demo version. The code is being very actively developed at the moment with a stable team of competent coders and it looks clean neat and well designed. OTOH it could do with some of the features that makes XOOPS easy to use such as a better implemented module install methodology.

I'd try out the XOOPS zencart module and if it falls short either get the developer to fix it your needs or visit zencart website and pay the developers there to clean it up.
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