Newbb 4.33 spanish translation.
  • 2015/4/19 9:57

  • scasmar

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2009/7/29

Hello good morning,

I have got a xoops 2.5.7 webpage with the newbb 4.33 RC7 module. I am looking for for a long the spanish translation for the module but i can not find it.

Somebody can help me to find it?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english i am using google translator.

Re: PHP server upgrade issue on Xoops 2.0.17- How to make it work again?

2.0.17 is a very old version and has security issues as well so upgrading to the latest version is not a bad idea. As already mentioned your best bet is to start your site from scratch. You CAN move some data over but you will likely end up having to do it manually.


Re: PHP server upgrade issue on Xoops 2.0.17- How to make it work again?
  • 2015/4/16 22:18

  • markondo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2006/2/19

It sounds like a good idea so I´ll try that first of all.
Thanks :)

Re: PHP server upgrade issue on Xoops 2.0.17- How to make it work again?
  • 2015/4/16 6:05

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 535

  • Since: 2010/12/27


there have been some bigger step, especially in admin area, in the last versions of xoops, this can cause the problems with getting in the admin area.

I would recommend:
check first, that you have local the same environment like on the server, if yes then:
- set up a new xoops
- check for newer versions of each module
-- then module by module:
--- if you have a current version, then install it (e.g. newbb, news,..)
--- if you have found no new version, ask here again (I do not know all modules you are using, but e.g. piCal is named now APCal)
- if the complete system and all modules working proper, then import the content data of your old modules
- copy your new site and the database on the server. of course, it can be helpful, if you copy all already first time after setting up xoops, then after installing first module, and so on. In this way you can also check, that the both environment (local and server) have the same configuration.

PHP server upgrade issue on Xoops 2.0.17- How to make it work again?
  • 2015/4/15 23:06

  • markondo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2006/2/19

I have used Xoops version 2.0.17 hosted on one.com since 2005. That´s pretty Amazing!
Some weeks ago my web host one.com did upgrade PHP från version 5.3 to version 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6 (I can choose one of those) and my site erla.se do not work anymore. Before PHP upgrade i copied the whole site to my another site klemetti.org (also on one.com) for testing with upgrade or some other solution. I upgraded Xoops on klemetti.org to version but it did not helped. But I can see user.php page and can browse few of the modules (with some language issues with text, the site is using cyrillic alphabets) but i cannot see the administration page at all.

I also use modules some of those seems have no upgrades since 2005. xt_conteudo, tinycontent, smartsections, content, contact, myalbum, mylinks, newbb, news, pical,sections, wfsection, xcgal, xoopschat,xoopsfaq and xoopsmembers.
Now I try to find the most usable solution. I tried to upgrade to new version of Xoops but I guess I need upgrade most of the modules too but some of the have no upgrades. So I need to move content from for example xt_conteudo, to some another module but I have no idea how to do that and if it even can be done. I have no skills in PHP coding.

The most possible solution I can think is to find some host who are running old PHP so I can put erla.se there and use it as an archive. Then I can start a new CMS installation and use it for new information.
Have somebody some ideas what to do and how?

Re: upgrade to newer version from 2.3.1 - howto?

There are a few ways of doing this project and all of them start out with you backing up the database and the website files.

Chances are your server changed the PHP version on you to one not compatible with 2.3.x and you are having issues with that. (In that case you will need to move to ATLEAST the last version of 2.4 but due to security issues and bug fixes you will want to move to the latest but it will take some work to do from that old of xoops.

If you are able to start from scratch that may be the easiest solution and less time consuming for you. But assuming you have hundreds of users and lots of content you don't want to lose we can help step you through the process but in order to do so you should list your PHP version and the installed modules and their versions.

Be glad your on a xoops machine.. Unless you have something very specialized on your site the chances are you will be able to update to the latest with a bit of time spent. Which is something you are not able to do with most if any of the other major CMS's...

Re: XOOPS NewBB 4.33 RC-9 available for testing
  • 2015/4/14 22:29

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

Image-upload in posts doesn't work

Re: upgrade to newer version from 2.3.1 - howto?
  • 2015/4/14 6:27

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 535

  • Since: 2010/12/27


you find all upgrades under http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/files/XOOPS%20Core%20%28stable%20releases%29/

If you want to be uptodate you should use xoops

As there have been a few bigger steps in xoops from 2.3 to 2.5 I think, you could have several problems especially with older modules.

I would recommend:
- to set up a new xoops
- install then module by module (check first for newer versions of each module)
- if the complete system and all modules working proper then import the content data of your modules

of course, this is more work than updating step by step, but at the end you have a clean new system.
Additional, if more then one module is not compatible with new xoops version, it is easier to find out which one.

Re: My Xoops site ad aware

Although I am a CS major in college I am also dabbling some in security and will likely get a masters in security.

It is relatively easy for someone to take control of your computer or your router.

For your router make sure you use a secure password for your wireless and your main admin password. Change the admin username if you can. Also on your router make sure you keep it updated and do NOT allow admin access to the WAN and do NOT broadcast your IP for PING requests. Those are the biggest issues you need to watch out for.

For whatever computer OS you run you want to insure it is kept up to date and your security software is up to date. Just was at a seminar where they mentioned that VERY few viruses are caught by antivirus software these days. NEVER open email or links you do not trust because they are likely malicious links. And once they get into your system you need to do a full format and restore to insure the virus is gone. There is no real good way to remove them otherwise.

Windows is the most hit OS and you REALLY need to keep it up to date...

Mac OS USED to be reasonably safe but not any more. Most of the worst viruses are attacking MACS harder than anything else. Simply because most MAC users feel wrongly that their computers can not be infected. Hackers LOVE attacking macs because most of the users don't understand that a MAC is just as susceptible as Windows and in some cases much easier to break into.

Linux is the only reasonably secure OS but even then it is not 100%.

I have had local amateur hackers take over a wireless router before. Even when I changed the passwords and insured WAN could not do admin they still broke in. Ended up being an exploit in the OS of the router. Updated the router and the issue went away.

SO yes, you need to be dilligent in any of your machines to insure they don't get taken over. And even then you may eventually make a mistake and become infected.


Re: My Xoops site ad aware
  • 2015/4/12 20:36

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21


For your information, I did not understand why it happens on mobile devices, and even now on the desktop, only on sites with advertising like adsense or other.

In other sites all ok!

I had a problem in the week with the ethernet card that no longer worked.
To resolve this issue, being a cable connection, I settled with a key usb wireless and I forgot to enter a secure password or key for network access.

For this reason I could not understand why I had all infected.
Apparently if you don't use a reliable protection, anyone can sneak into the network and send commands on the browser making believe to be infected your PC.

I worked hard to remove the problem with various software, but without results.
In desperation I decided to reset the router, et oilà I realized I was missing the security key.

I can write now that I have solved the problem, I had already seen this morning your messages here on this thread, but I could not even click anywhere in the site because I was redirected to other advertising sites.

The links that I saw in the bottom of the browser were very long and encoded with encrypted keys long, indecipherable.

So for information should you have the same problem, think about what I describe in this post.

Thank You!

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