Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/6/4 17:16

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

but I think it is a little bit more then only a starting base

Re: Alumni version 3.1 ALPHA for Xoops 2.6.0 ALPHA from GitHub
  • 2015/6/4 15:45

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

I will keep my modules on my server, I did not want to have to open a github account, but it seems You have to, to install Xoops Now. Which I think is very wrong.

But anyway i will keep it on my site, if anyone wants they can send me changes they want to make and I will maybe add them if I like it.

Since when did the meaning of the word fork change? To me fork will ALWAYS mean taking the software and creating your own thing out of it. Like ICMS is a fork of Xoops. Who ever changed the meaning of that word was wrong to do so.

Anyway I have updated my Alumni module today because there was no link to add categories in the admin section. I will upload the changes as soon as I post this.

@ Mamba
I will pm you in a little while I have a question for you.


Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/6/4 15:42

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 494

  • Since: 2010/12/2

What is the purpose of TDMCreate? Is this to be a starting base for building new modules?

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/6/4 11:22

  • heyula

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 594

  • Since: 2008/4/24


Are you a new video for module !

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/6/4 10:05

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 535

  • Since: 2010/12/27

hi timgno

tdmcreate 1.91 alpa 3
clone from https://github.com/txmodxoops/TDMCreate-1.91.git 03.06.2015, 21:27
firefox 37.0.2

a) module installing
a.1) uninstalled previous version
a.2) cleaned up cache
a.3) installed 1.91 alpha 3 - ok

b) Testing module TDMCreate
b.1) created new module (named: mytestmodule) - ok
b.2) create new table (named: tables1) for this new module - ok
b.3) in parameter list there is 'TextDateSelect'. Please make additionally a 'TextDateTimeSelect'
b.4) changed later number of fields/add new field to this table - ok
b.5) create second table (named: tables2) for this new module - ok
no error, but: in parameter list 'tables1' appears two times
Searching for reason I found:
in admin/fields.php there is at switch 'save' after line 170 (if ($fieldsObj->isNew()) {)
// Fields Elements Handler
$fieldelementObj =& $tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->create();
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_mid'$fieldMid );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_tid'$fieldTid );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_name''Table : '.ucfirst($tableName) );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_value''XoopsFormTables-'.ucfirst($tableName) );
// Insert new field element id for table name
if (!$tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->insert($fieldelementObj) ) {
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error'$fieldelementObj->getHtmlErrors() . ' Field element');

and each time you add a new field you get a new item in table 'tdmcreate_fieldelements' for the same table (indicated by my test item 7)
please delete this and add in admin/tables.php after line 187 ($tableAction = '&field_mid=' . $tableMid . '&field_tid=' . $tableTid . '&field_numb=' . $tableNumbFields . '&field_name=' . $tableFieldname;)
// Fields Elements Handler
$fieldelementObj =& $tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->create();
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_mid'$tableMid );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_tid'$tableTid );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_name''Table : '.ucfirst($_POST['table_name']) );
$fieldelementObj->setVar'fieldelement_value''XoopsFormTables-'.ucfirst($_POST['table_name']) );
// Insert new field element id for table name
if (!$tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->insert($fieldelementObj) ) {
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error'$fieldelementObj->getHtmlErrors() . ' Field element');

, then you get only a new item in table 'tdmcreate_fieldelements', if you create a new table

b.6) if you delete a table, the item in table 'fieldelements' is not deleted and it will be still shown in parameter list for the fields (and this can only make troubles)
please add in admin/tables at switch 'delete' after 'if ($tdmcreate->getHandler('tables')->delete($tablesObj)) {'
//delete items in table fieldelements
$crit_fieldelements = new CriteriaCompo();
$crit_fieldelements->add(new Criteria('fieldelement_tid'$tableId));
$fieldelements $tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->getAll($crit_fieldelements);
                foreach (
array_keys($fieldelements) as $fe) {
$fieldelementsObj =& $tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->get($fieldelements[$fe]->getVar('fieldelement_id'));
                    if (!
$tdmcreate->getHandler('fieldelements')->delete($fieldelementsObj)) {
                    unset (

b.7) after clicking on building module, all is marked es well done

c) testing new module
c.1) installing module - ok
c.2) after installation I went directly to module settings, after click on safe I got error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC) in C:\Homepages\Xampp\htdocs\xoops2571\htdocs\modules\mytestmodule\class\tables1.php on line 173
Searching for error I found:
- in my 'tables1' I have as last field a radio yes/no, named 't1_add_yesno'
- in class/tables1.php after the class MytestmoduleTables1 there is additionally
     * Get Options
public function getOptions()
$ret = array();
        if (
== $this->getVar('t1_add_yesno')) {

and this causes the error
if I delete this, it works

c.3) adding new item to tables1 - ok
c.4) adding new item to tables2 works, but:
I have in my 'tables2' one field with type 'DhtmlTextArea'. In the form generated by class/tables2.php I get the always the editor defined by 'Preferences/Editor'
That's basically ok, but we have 3 possibilities:
- then we should name the field type e.g. 'Editor defined in module prefs'
- this field should be always 'DhtmlTextArea'
- make field type 'DhtmlTextArea' (which should be then always DhtmlTextArea) plus 'Editor defined in module prefs'

d) Testing user side of new module:
d.1) on the index pages there are following errors in debug area:
Notice: Undefined variable: sysPathIcon32 in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 26
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 28
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 30
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 31

d.2) on the index pages there is e.g _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLES1, but in the language file is _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLE1 defined
IMO we should change to _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLES1, otherwise we have later the same problem with _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLES1_DESC

in class/files/language/LanguageMain.php line 98 ff should be
$tableName    $tables[$i]->getVar('table_name');
$stuTableName strtoupper($tableName);
$ucfTableName UcFirstAndToLower($tableName);
$tableSoleName    $tables[$i]->getVar('table_solename');
$stuTableSoleName strtoupper($tableSoleName);
$ucfTableSoleName UcFirstAndToLower($tableSoleName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getAboveDefines($ucfTableName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getDefine($language$stuTableName$ucfTableName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getDefine($language"{$stuTableName}_DESC""{$ucfTableName} description");
$ret .= $this->defines->getAboveDefines("Caption of {$ucfTableName}");
instead of
$tableSoleName    $tables[$i]->getVar('table_solename');
$stuTableSoleName strtoupper($tableSoleName);
$ucfTableSoleName UcFirstAndToLower($tableSoleName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getAboveDefines($ucfTableSoleName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getDefine($language$stuTableSoleName$ucfTableSoleName);
$ret .= $this->defines->getDefine($language"{$stuTableSoleName}_DESC""{$ucfTableSoleName} description");
$ret .= $this->defines->getAboveDefines("Caption of {$ucfTableSoleName}");

d.3) if I want to show my 'tables1' I get errors:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in C:\Homepages\Xampp\htdocs\xoops2571\htdocs\modules\mytestmodule\tables1.php on line 54
please check class/files/user/UserPages.php line 137
IMO the line
$xoBreadcrumbs[] = {$language}{$stuTableSoleName});
can be deleted

d.4) fixed bug d.3), if I want to show once more my 'tables1' I get error:
Notice: Use of undefined constant _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLE1 - assumed '_MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLE1' in file /modules/mytestmodule/tables1.php line 53
Notice: Undefined variable: sysPathIcon32 in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 26
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 28
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 30
Notice: Undefined variable: dirname in file /modules/mytestmodule/footer.php line 31

d.5) in class/files/user/UserPages.php line 136
$xoBreadcrumbs[] = array('link' => {$stuModuleDirname}_URL '/{$tableName}.php''title' => {$language}{$stuTableSoleName});

should be replace by
$xoBreadcrumbs[] = array('link' => {$stuModuleDirname}_URL '/{$tableName}.php''title' => {$language}{$stuTableName});

d.6) the content of my tables1 is not shown, reason:
in tables1.php you create an array named 'tables1_list' which is appended to templates/mytestmodule/tables1.tpl, but there I find '<{foreach item=list from=$tables1}>'

therefore in class/files/templates/user/TemplatesUserPages.php line 129
<{foreach item=list from=${$tableName}}>;
should be replace by
<{foreach item=list from=${$tableName}_list}>

d.7) fixed d.5, but in the list header you find always '_MA_MYTESTMODULE_T1_ID', '_MA_MYTESTMODULE_T1_NAME' and so one
in tables1.tpl you have _MA_MYTESTMODULE_T1_ID, in language file main.php you have _MA_MYTESTMODULE_TABLE1_ID

Stop testing for the moment
done in my fork on github:

c.2) - i do not know what is the reason for this code :-|

Re: Alumni version 3.1 ALPHA for Xoops 2.6.0 ALPHA from GitHub
  • 2015/6/3 22:59

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I've added the module to our XOOPS 2.6.0+ Modules repository, so people can fork it from there.

Once you have an account on GitHub, please let us know how you would like to handle it:

a) you fork it from the above repository and submit your code changes back there

b) your repository will become the "upstream" repository, and we'll fork it from there

Since you're the module author, it's up to you!
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2015/6/3 16:58

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 494

  • Since: 2010/12/2

Debaser description in Modules repos says:

Debaser is a multimedia module for XOOPS. Any kind of multimedia files can be displayed / played if an appropriate player is available.

Permission system
Plays any kind of multimedia
New admin interface
Assigning file types to players
Categories with unlimited subcategories
Use of getid3-class
Pre-selected players

Looks like June 12, 2010 (5 years ago) was the latest "final" release here

I tried this at that time (2.5.?) and recalled that among other things, it did not retain or properly access urls of sites with streaming content after configuring them.

Re: XoopsGallery2 "Database Setup" troubles
  • 2015/6/3 12:09

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I am trying to get extGallery to work, but am struck by the fact that it seems that video's aren't supported... Am i right?

That's correct.

We definitely need a module that supports "media", i.e. images, videos, and audio files. Was Debaser doing it? I don't remember anymore....
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Alumni version 3.1 ALPHA for Xoops 2.6.0 ALPHA from GitHub
  • 2015/6/3 12:05

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Great to hear it, John.

Are you going to add it to GitHub, so others can fork it and contribute?
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Using hreflang for URLs and local language
  • 2015/6/2 21:27

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

I just busy to read this guide on google for meta tags and I found it interesting to use hreflang the new tag that you can enter in:
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-US" href="https://xoops.org/us/ "/>
link rel="alternate" hreflang="it-IT" href="http://www.txmodxoops.org/it/ "/>

in this way I'm hoping that we can use with the module xLanguage in XOOPS 2.6.0 in order to create multilingual sites

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