Re: @upgrade::- Hooking Stratum Preloaders by Trabis and Myself need to be exploited!!

Dude, use the current source on GitHub :) The sourceforge code is moldy -- lots of changes since then.

I have a problem with using GitHub, for starters as the Module Team Leader I do not have access, also we are supported and one of the few projects that Sourceforge.net feature, for one reason, there total interface is made from XOOPS 1.

Also GitHub is sourceforge competitor, as well as git being available on Sourceforge.net which are a strong sponsor of us and we should be using Git on Sourceforge, can you give me access to the GitHub so I can start working on the modules for 2.6? I will set up a username now which is - LabsDotCoop

Just a thought I really think we should be using the git on source-forge, otherwise I am happy to migrate the modules to each unique GitHubs for Each one if necessary.

If you put this hook in to Model\Read you would never be able to trust the expected return from anything. Any installed module would be able to interfere with any handler no matter if it was the active module or not. Sounds like a free for all that could get unstable very easily, and that is not good.

Actually that is not the case, the purpose of reporting the for example 'table' name reported by the persistence is part of the reason, part the reason for the method one is to do the following for example in the XoopsModelRead::GetAll() from /class/model/read.php function, so if needed it can be event hooked by a preloader in those unique scenarios, I found like in multisite (Which I really think you should implement in the code as it is a great hack I found that can be done to allow for multiple session on domain and sub-domain’s please look at it, there where alot of demand in the forum previous to implement my multisite hack in the system and the core back when I was both in module teams and the core development of XOOPS 2.4)

Just looking at the example given for XoopsPreloader::triggerMethod() it really needs to look like so:-
     * Triggers a specific function or method with variable of return
     * @param $event_name string Name of the event to trigger
     * @param $args array Method arguments
     * @return void
function triggerMethod($method_name ''$function ''$class ''$dbtable 'default'$arga NULL$argb NULL$argc NULL$argd NULL$arge NULL$argf NULL$argg NULL$argh NULL$argj NULL)
        if (!
$args "j";
        elseif (!
is_null($argh) && is_null($argj))
$args "h";
        elseif (!
is_null($argg) && is_null($argh))
$args "g";
        elseif (!
is_null($argf) && is_null($argg))
$args "f";
        elseif (!
is_null($arge) && is_null($argf))
$args "e";
        elseif (!
is_null($argd) && is_null($arge))
$args "d";
        elseif (!
is_null($argc) && is_null($argd))
$args "c";
        elseif (!
is_null($argb) && is_null($argc))
$args "b";
        elseif (!
is_null($arga) && is_null($argb))
$args "a";
$args "-";
$method_name strtolower(str_replace('.'''$method_name)) . strtolower(str_replace('.'''$function)) . strtolower(str_replace('.'''$class)) .;
        if (isset(
$this->_routines[$method_name])) {
            foreach (
$this->_routines[$method_name] as $event) {
                try {
                    switch (
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd$arge$argf$argg$arge$argj);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd$arge$argf$argg$argh);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd$arge$argf$argg);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd$arge$argf);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd$arge);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc$argd);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb$argc);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga$argb);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable$arga);
call_user_func(array($event['class_name'], $event['method']), $dbtable);
Exception $err)
trigger_error("Preload Function Hooking Error: ".$event['class_name']."::".$event['method'] . " ~ $err"E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);

Just looking at the example given for XoopsModelRead::GetAll() + XoopsModelRead::GetObjects() it really needs to look like so:-
     * get all objects matching a condition
     * @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement} to match
     * @param array $fields variables to fetch
     * @param bool $asObject flag indicating as object, otherwise as array
     * @param bool $id_as_key use the ID as key for the array
     * @return array of objects/array {@link XoopsObject}
function &getAll($criteria null$fields null$asObject true$id_as_key true)
$xoopsPreload =& XoopsPreload::getInstance();
$criteria $xoopsPreload->triggerMethod('core.class.model.criteria'__FUNCTION____CLASS__$this->table$criteria, &$fields, &$asObject, &$id_as_key);
$fields $xoopsPreload->triggerMethod('core.class.model.fields'__FUNCTION____CLASS__$this->table$criteria, &$fields, &$asObject, &$id_as_key);
        if (
is_array($fields) && count($fields) > 0) {
            if (!
in_array($this->handler->keyName$fields)) {
$fields[] = $this->handler->keyName;
$select "`" implode("`, `"$fields) . "`";
        } else {
$select "*";
$limit null;
$start null;
$sql "SELECT {$select} FROM `{$this->handler->table}`";
        if (isset(
$criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria"criteriaelement")) {
$sql .= " " $criteria->renderWhere();
            if (
$groupby $criteria->getGroupby()) {
$sql .= $groupby;
            if (
$sort $criteria->getSort()) {
$sql .= " ORDER BY {$sort} " $criteria->getOrder();
$orderSet true;
$limit $criteria->getLimit();
$start $criteria->getStart();
        if (empty(
$orderSet)) {
//$sql .= " ORDER BY `{$this->handler->keyName}` DESC";
$result $this->handler->db->query($sql$limit$start);
$ret = array();
        if (
$asObject) {
            while (
$myrow $this->handler->db->fetchArray($result)) {
$object =& $this->handler->create(false);
                if (
$id_as_key) {
$ret[$myrow[$this->handler->keyName]] = $object;
                } else {
$ret[] = $object;
        } else {
$object =& $this->handler->create(false);
            while (
$myrow $this->handler->db->fetchArray($result)) {
                if (
$id_as_key) {
$ret[$myrow[$this->handler->keyName]] = $object->getValues(array_keys($myrow));
                } else {
$ret[] = $object->getValues(array_keys($myrow));

     * retrieve objects from the database
     * For performance consideration, getAll() is recommended
     * @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement} conditions to be met
     * @param bool $id_as_key use the ID as key for the array
     * @param bool $as_object return an array of objects?
     * @return array
function &getObjects($criteria null$id_as_key false$as_object true)
$xoopsPreload =& XoopsPreload::getInstance();
$criteria $xoopsPreload->triggerMethod('core.class.model.criteria'__FUNCTION____CLASS__$this->table$criteria, &$fields, &$asObject, &$id_as_key);
$objects $this->getAll($criterianull$as_object$id_as_key);

The reason I need these changes made is the event hook stratum was my concept that I got trabis to implement who only did a small property of the total events on the core that needed to be hooked!

The purpose of an event hook is so all facilities of the core is reachable by the module development so any feature, query, question or otherwise can be some how determined and altered should it be needed!!

The purpose if you understand is fluid dynamics of the code, this means, to do some features in the core it become static and doesn't need to be later altered by module developers having to distribute the core files to replace, this triggerMethod() needs to go through all the functions as well as there needs to be functioning on function __destruct() as well as function __construct() with all the core classes the following preloader running:-

function __construct()
$xoopsPreload =& XoopsPreload::getInstance();
$xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.class.construct.'.strtolower(__CLASS__), array($this));

$xoopsPreload =& XoopsPreload::getInstance();
$xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.class.destruct.'.strtolower(__CLASS__), array($this));

Cause these are components of events that all classes have that are missing!!

One thing you will notice is if you look at XoopsPreloader::setPreloads() is the ataption of preloaders for themes, this is a functional requirement as it need's to be in all facite of the events system as an eventing hooker (Which is how microsoft stuff works actually with Event Hooks for CPU MIPS)

     * Get available preloads information and set them to go!
     * @return void
function setPreloads()
//$modules_list = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/");
if ($modules_list XoopsCache::read('system_modules_active')) {
$i 0;
            foreach (
$modules_list as $module) {
                if (
is_dir($dir XOOPS_ROOT_PATH "/modules/{$module}/preloads/")) {
$file_list XoopsLists::getFileListAsArray($dir);
                    foreach (
$file_list as $file) {
                        if (
preg_match('/(.php)$/i'$file)) {
$file substr($file0, -4);
$this->_preloads[$i]['module'] = $module;
$this->_preloads[$i]['file'] = $file;
            if (isset(
$theme $GLOBALS["xoopsConfig"]['theme_set'];
                if (
is_dir($dir XOOPS_ROOT_PATH "/themes/{$theme}/preloads/")) {
$file_list XoopsLists::getFileListAsArray($dir);
                    foreach (
$file_list as $file) {
                        if (
preg_match('/(.php)$/i'$file)) {
$file substr($file0, -4);
$this->_preloads[$i]['theme'] = $theme;
$this->_preloads[$i]['file'] = $file;

I will continue my response in the next thread this is getting length.. but thanks for your reply so far geekwrite!!

Btw, geek write you want an invisible spot to mail from can you and the other team member send me 2 postcards to create a divine handshake - upto 5 days apart with a return either email or snail mail address for an @extraterrestrialmail.com - 500Mb Imap/pop3 mail box my snail mail address for one postcard with your always assumed password with Labs.coop as well as your return mail address and email address to:


Chronolabs Cooperative
Unit Ten
466 Illawarra Rd
Marrickville South, NSW, 2204

Make sure they are identical SO I know they are yours the post card, I have upto 50 Email address, I will be paying for a year supply, if you also want a forwarder on it specify it in the second postcard, and the email address you want the forwarder, separate from the first postcard with your email, return mail so i can send you the server setting in the snail mail and.. at least in some kind of order, just make sure the postcard for the postcardware email box is identical so they match up, mine is leshy@extraterrestrialmail.com

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/18 20:24

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

Thank you mamba!

The captcha code can be set in core setting, you must setting it in class/captcha modify the file: config.php and config.recaptcha.php (if you want use recaptcha you can add key of google in this file).

For able security code you must able it in the admin xfguestbook module.
The secure code, work only for anonymous users (this is a problem of the core).

You can see the module working in a photography website that i'm doing:


Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/17 11:06

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I have uploaded it to GitHub. You can fork it from there to your account, make changes and submit a Pull Request back to it.

FYI: I have done some standardization there, i.e. renamed the templates to .tpl, and moved /images to /assets, so this is consistent with other modules.

I hope, you're OK with it....
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/17 9:52

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I have uploaded it to GitHub. You can fork it from there to your account, make changes and submit a Pull Request back to it.

Also, you had already your branch on XOOPS SVN:
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/17 2:49

  • mjoel

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 325

  • Since: 2006/12/9

Thanks Roby

i have tested it..captcha is not working

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/17 0:27

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

Thanks mamba
I have registered to GitHub, now i have to translate the modules before upload

xguestbook is here:
I inserted captcha code set to from the xoops core. The secure code can be activated from the module setting.
I added a hidden text form empty because only captcha code doesn't stop all spam, but is no problem if you have many spam messages you can set approve before publishing
Missing some word in english, is it almost complete.

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/16 22:50

  • mjoel

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 325

  • Since: 2006/12/9

so anyone can provide download link for a new version of xguestbook with working captcha ?

Re: xfguestbook captcha not working
  • 2015/8/16 20:50

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

PLease can you givme the link where can upload the module?

You don't upload modules to XOOPS - you just post the code on SVN. To do so, create your own branch in the link that I gave you previously. Once people test it and there are no bugs, we can upload it to the repository.

Do you know how to deal with SVN, or do you need help?
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: @upgrade::- Hooking Stratum Preloaders by Trabis and Myself need to be exploited!!

Interesting. I have a couple of observations.

Dude, use the current source on GitHub :) The sourceforge code is moldy -- lots of changes since then.

If you put this hook in to Model\Read you would never be able to trust the expected return from anything. Any installed module would be able to interfere with any handler no matter if it was the active module or not. Sounds like a free for all that could get unstable very easily, and that is not good.

Doing this to an individual handler (extending and method override) is trivial.

Combine that with the existing Events class (what XoopsPreload grew into,) and you can accomplish this with less collateral risk.

One of the improvements is the addition of Events::addListener(). You can dynamically listen for any event and have it invoke any callable. This way, you don't have to set up the listeners unless it is needed.

There is no triggerFunction(), but since there is always the chance of more than one listener, you could never really rely on which return value you would get. You would have to include a strategy to combine or choose from possibly multiple returns.

The existing triggerEvent() takes one argument, but that can be anything. Historically, that has often been an array, but using an object as the argument is often a better choice. For example, the psr4loader event brings the Psr4ClassLoader object with it, so the preload listeners can just register what they need -- the return is done through the passed object. Even a humble ArrayObject or SplQueue can be quite useful here.

Using a custom object for a complex result mechanism would allow you to more cleanly document what is actually occurring, making it easier to use and reuse the solution.

Put these pieces together, you can build something that doesn't open up so many potential issues.

Re: Bug /class/textsanitizer/youtube
  • 2015/8/16 20:27

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

The "https" issue has been already addressed in the upcoming XOOPS 2.5.8, but for the time being, please follow the code from Zyspec
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