While putting together the planning set for
please I went back through all the modules on the shelf to see what where the commonality headers and array elements that needed to be supported in the help "about module" system menu which is way limited at the moment.
If you turn your attention to:
https://sourceforge.net/p/xoops/svn/HEAD/tree/XoopsModules/please/trunk/xoops_version.php ~~ you will find the following need to be included and formatted into the dialogue system menu..
$modversion['dirname'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DIRNAME;
$modversion['name'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_NAME;
$modversion['version'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_VERSION;
$modversion['releasedate'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_RELEASEDATE;
$modversion['status'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_STATUS;
$modversion['description'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DESCRIPTION;
$modversion['credits'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_CREDITS;
$modversion['author'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHORALIAS;
$modversion['help'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_HELP;
$modversion['license'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_LICENCE;
$modversion['official'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_OFFICAL;
$modversion['image'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_ICON;
$modversion['module_status'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_STATUS;
$modversion['website'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_WEBSITE;
$modversion['dirmoduleadmin'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_ADMINMODDIR;
$modversion['icons16'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_ADMINICON16;
$modversion['icons32'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_ADMINICON32;
$modversion['release_info'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_RELEASEINFO;
$modversion['release_file'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_RELEASEFILE;
$modversion['release_date'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_RELEASEDATE;
$modversion['author_realname'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHORREALNAME;
$modversion['author_website_url'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHORWEBSITE;
$modversion['author_website_name'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHORSITENAME;
$modversion['author_email'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHOREMAIL;
$modversion['author_word'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_AUTHORWORD;
$modversion['status_version'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_VERSION;
$modversion['warning'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_WARNINGS;
$modversion['demo_site_url'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DEMO_SITEURL;
$modversion['demo_site_name'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DEMO_SITENAME;
$modversion['support_site_url'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_SUPPORT_SITEURL;
$modversion['support_site_name'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_SUPPORT_SITENAME;
$modversion['submit_feature'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_SUPPORT_FEATUREREQUEST;
$modversion['submit_bug'] = _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_SUPPORT_BUGREPORTING;
$modversion['people']['developers'] = explode("|", _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DEVELOPERS);
$modversion['people']['testers'] = explode("|", _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_TESTERS);
$modversion['people']['translaters'] = explode("|", _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_TRANSLATERS);
$modversion['people']['documenters'] = explode("|", _MI_PLEASE_MODULE_DOCUMENTERS);
// Requirements
$modversion['min_php'] = '5.3.7';
$modversion['min_xoops'] = '2.5.7';
$modversion['min_db'] = array('mysql' => '5.0.7', 'mysqli' => '5.0.7');
$modversion['min_admin'] = '1.1';
*geekwrite == you know that should be geekscribe -- you scribe code not write, anyway in XOOPS and ++sf you can have in the bridge between alpha too beta a total of ten releases like for example 7 alpha and 3 beta or 6 alpha and four beta's and so on, we are in no hurry i suggest you put these in so I can not have to in 2.7 -- offering future versioning write-back!
btw... there is over 5000 documenting errors for the industry standard phpDocumentor -- when your done in the alpha let me know and add me to the git and I will with you go through and fix them all so there 0 errors in the function documentations -- they need to be extensive!!