
The Multiverse : Multiversity

As of the 4th of July, cern announce the discovery of the God particle that is the Higgs particle. After the shock that the theory of micro-particle physics was founded in the first time with the hadron collider after several serious discussion it was discovered amongst my professor and academic friends that we concluded that the 'Universe' and the word 'University' was a fake assumption of the world around us, infact the makeup of the cosmos and its missing matter in mass and we where in fact from our understanding on the basis that this is in fact a multiverse.

What is a multiverse, well this is when there is an near infinite number of cosmoses out their we would discover, that we exist in just one of these at a dimensional layer of biological interaction and physical locality.

The fact this is multiversity or multilateral thought may be hard for some to comprehend as they have been brought up to consider only unilateral conceptualization in physics. This would bring some closure to missing mass of the cosmos, seeming there is a near infinite number of these.

So Celebrate religion have their fake universe plastered all over most institutes and facilities of the learned mind, in order to hone superstitious views into the understanding of lifes keep. SO if you want to discuss multiversity or actually getting a real degree or masters then you would need to get one of these in the multilateral though from a multiversity.

Re: www.multiversity.name

btw. When a multiversity exists perhaps a real atheist can get a diploma or something without it being religious indoctrinated by the word 'university' people should be made to sit a course on multiversity to understand multilateral thought and the multiverse that en-binds them.

For the moment I will keep my self taught PHd equivalent IT and physics understanding of the world. And not bow to the pressure of modern man to be religiously indoctrinated in the universe with all its fake wonder and fake splendor, this world is full of clowns.


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