XQuiz 1.05 RCCommunity Release by Chronolabs Co-opXquiz allows you to place forms based on questionairs to a user into a database, and then display them based on permissions on the user interface. You will be able to run a questionairs as well as score with a checkbox, option or select on the form and have your questionair emailed to you as well as the responses recorded in the database.
XQuiz 1.05 RC is the release candidate and is based on 'formulair 3.33', it has been refactorised as well as made slightly functionally different with an inclusion of a scoring system put in place for checkboxes, radio options as well as select and multiselect. With the current features of forumlair but designed as a questionair application, this will allow you to collect information based on form inputs as well as export those results into a CSV.
There is a mirade of options with this application.
Sponsored byNew Features Include- Multiple Forms
- Multiple Elements
- Form Permissions
- Element Permissions
- CSV Export
- Refactorised Formulair
- Scores for questionairs to display ranged answers
Bugs Fixed- No Known Bug - please report them
xoops2.5_xquiz_1.05.zip - 264Kb
Sourceforge Mirror:
xoops2.5_xquiz_1.05.zip - 264Kb