Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/12 20:44

  • SMEDrieben

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2009/6/17

Thanks for Xoops 2.5.0 !

I experience 2 strange things using the upgrade package 2.4.5 to 2.5.0.

1) The "File manager" icon shown by Mamba in the demo video doesn't appear in the admin menu.

2) In 2.4.5 (and all previous Xoops versions), I used a cloned template set. Stored in the database, not in the theme/module directory. After the upgrade to 2.5.0, Xoops uses this template set as before, but where can I acces and edit this (cloned) template set ? When I click the "template" icon, I see the files of the theme directory, but not this cloned template set.

I can generate new templates in the theme/modules directory, but the are copies of the default templates and not of my cloned template set.

Please help !


Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/12 22:02

  • Mamba

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1) The "File manager" icon shown by Mamba in the demo video doesn't appear in the admin menu.

The File manager is in the "Extras" directory. Just copy it over and update the System

I am not sure about the templates, so I let somebody else to respond...
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Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/13 11:56

  • SMEDrieben

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2009/6/17

Thanks for your answer !

I found the file manager (Extras directory) and it works.

I'am curious where the cloned template set is accessible.

Additional info:
I searched the help option. There is a paragraph on templates: "Cloning and downloading templates".

It states that you can "clone" a template set that can be edited using the "clone" link and that you can save a copy of a template set to disk by using the "download" link. I have these links in 2.4.5; however, in 2.5.0 there are no "clone" and "download" links.

In the preferences menu, I can select my cloned template set (from 2.4.5).

Thanks !


Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where can I access my my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/15 19:44

  • SMEDrieben

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2009/6/17

Since nobody knows the answer to this question and cloned templates sets are not shown in the demo videos, I think that this is a bug:

- coming from 2.4.5., Xoops 2.5.0 uses your preferred cloned template set as in previous versions
- however, in the admin section you cannot access and edit cloned template sets.

Please your help (explanation or patches) !


Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/15 20:07

  • trabis

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AFAIK database template sets are no longer supported. It should have been mentioned in the upgrade guide that you should convert your custom templates into files inside your theme folder before upgrading.

Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/16 9:25

  • demian

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just wondering why do the file manager are put in the extras folder

Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: cloned template sets
  • 2010/11/16 10:37

  • SMEDrieben

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2009/6/17

I think there are two ways for the upcoming 2.5.x releases to handle the cloned template set problem:

1) Stopping support of database template sets (suggestion of Trabis). In that case, the option in the preferences menu (where you can select a database template set) should be removed. Furtheremore, the upgrade instructions should be adjusted. Instructions on saving database template sets to files in the theme directory should be added.

2) Continuing support of database templates (2.5.0 functions in this way). In that case, the database templates should be made accessible for editing in the administration menu.

The Xoops-2.5-developers have to make a choice !

Thanks !


Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/11/16 13:02

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

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just wondering why do the file manager are put in the extras folder
File managers are extremly powerful and can in the same way be abused heavily by hackers.
In order to minimise the risks, filemanager is only available for the ones who really need it.
2) Continuing support of database templates (2.5.0 functions in this way). In that case, the database templates should be made accessible for editing in the administration menu.

Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/12/1 12:18

  • mjoel

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old user should be warned that this feature is no longer available

Re: Upgrade 2.4.5 to 2.5.0: where is file manager and where is my cloned template set ?
  • 2010/12/1 14:39

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

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ghia wrote:
In order to minimise the risks, filemanager is only available for the ones who really need it.

I am really struggling to see the sense in this feature. Cloned templates enabled site webmasters to make modifications without access to FTP. The feature was restricted to HTML template editing, so it was reasonably safe for anyone to use. If this feature is now deprecated and replaced with a file manager, I would imagine the security implications are quite significant. Any software that manipulates the server file system generally makes an excellent target for hackers. I am confident that many people will install this, so I hope it is bullet-proof.


trabis wrote:
It should have been mentioned in the upgrade guide that you should convert your custom templates into files inside your theme folder before upgrading.

It's hard not to agree with that.
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