How can I retrieve the data?
  • 2010/1/9 18:29

  • syahzuan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2010/1/9 1

A friend of mine had a XOOPS site, he had to move host so he actually back-up'ed everything.

He had a forum with quite some information in the forum posts, is it possible for me to retrieve those info for him without reinstalling xoops. If yes how do i do that? which file should i look into?

if not is the retrieval possible with a reinstallation of xoops?

Yup he wants those things in the forum (posts) so badly. :(


Re: How can I retrieve the data?
  • 2010/1/9 19:15

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

syahzuan, Welcome to the XOOPS Forum!

If he wants the original presentation you need a working XOOPS. It is no big deal, you can do it on your local PC with eg XAMPP. Use the files and database backup to recreate the site on your PC. (See the FAQ about moving sites between servers.)

Depending on the manner of how its backup is created, he can retrieve also the bare texts of his postings. Mosttimes they are in the form of readable SQL statements, like create table .. and insert into table, fieldlist, data ...
With a normal text editor you can open this database backup and then search in the data.

Re: How can I retrieve the data?
  • 2010/1/9 19:42

  • syahzuan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2010/1/9 1

Thanks i got it :)
But i found the chinese words unreadable...
Tried text, wordpad and word :S
any solution?

Re: How can I retrieve the data?
  • 2010/1/9 19:57

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Unreadable? How does it looks like?
Maybe try Notepad++, it has some encoding options.

Else, you need to restore the site eg on your local PC.

Re: How can I retrieve the data?
  • 2010/1/9 20:04

  • syahzuan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2010/1/9 1

Thank you very much you are really helpful!
they are just lots of strange symbols and numbers...

well when i open with visual studio or notepad ++ those info in forum dun show up, only commands and stuff...

they only appear when i open them in wordpad or notepad actually...

so i have no choice but to do an installation huh

Re: How can I retrieve the data?

is the encoding set to utf-8 in notepad++?


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