unfortunatly your host provider wont allow all 2000 emails to go out at once
with a 2k shot from your websites IP alone, you would automaticaly be seen as SPAMMING through their system
I know this doesnt answer your question above but before you get into correcting the problem, i thought i should warn you of TWO things youll encounter once its corrected.
Well... as you can tel i told you of the ONE thing
here is the second thing
As far as i can remember, the XOOPS core files are set to now allow more then 100 emails to go out at once. So even if you were able to select all 104 users lets say
only the first 100 would get hte message.
Honestly, do yourself a favor.
Set up your template files that people see when they register on your site,
go ahead and copy paste their names into a "CREATE PROFILE" page one at a time on your own..... yes really!
Each one of them will get the message saying
"We moved your profile into our new system"
(As long as you have changed the template file to say this message)
The only thing the user would need to do then is click the VERIFY link in their email
and they are in.
What you would need to copy and paste:
Email address
thats it. Dont worry about passwords, just tap randomly on the keys
Now i know you dont want to hear this but when i converted over to a XOOPS site, i did the same thing
"One at a time"
Took a week to do it but it was good because people kept coming back and forth on Tuesday and noticed the people who "joined" on monday.
This time laps in registrations is was started the buzz on traffic.
Even with little content in the site thus far... traffic was running around and growing.
..then again.. i had a few pretty unique features for the visitors