Hi!I'm trying to do something presumable simple, but keeps running wild!
Please help me, I'm getting more and more frustrated!
I have this module
Pages, works fine, no problem! I have modified it to a degree that it is almost automated under install, I'm customising the module so that I can call the module directory anything, ( using the $xoopsModule->dirname() everywhere there is a reference) That actually works with no problems at all! The only thing I have to do manually to this point is, in the .sql file to rename the table headers and names acordingly to the folder name, then it runs smoothly.
That works when ever I do install the module, under any given name. no errors!
If I copy that module folder (
Pages to e.g.
NewPages) and do the renaming in the .sql files.
In the install module part, I can install the new module, It goes to complete, and when I return to the main page it is blank.
I can then get any of them to work, by renaming the other folder to something lige (pages_) then the NewPages works, do I then change it back, same blank page, renaming NewPages to Newpages_ then Pages works fine.
I'm that far that I get an error message that a function can't be redeclared! Normally when I did programs earlyer on, I havent encountered this problem, the functions lies in the include directory in each individual folder, no calls to the others.
Why do I get this problem, It doesn't helps to rename the function in one of the modules together with where it is called from. så that i calls the right function.
Please help me, I have a deadline 31. of october!
Mail me for a zipped version of the modules, at
cholm@stageone.dk, if You want to help, and want to see what errors there are.
Kind regards
Carsten Holm
Odense, Denmark