there are several modules and system i need to upgrade.
I didn't keep track of XOOPS versions and where to find the download files.
so to be safe, i hope I can get some guide here.
I am using XOOPS 2.0.16 and cbb/newbb 1.15
my server is moving to php5 so I need to upgrade to XOOPS also.
where can i find the files for upgrade 2.0.16 to ?
and the versioning of cbb is confusing. there are version 4, 3 etc etc
so what is the latest version for the cbb that is compatible for ?
can the cbb upgraded to the latest cbb ?
If i am doing upgrade, should I upgrade the system 1st, or the module 1st ?
I done my research in xoops.org . the more i read the more i got lost.