By modifying the Weather block!
1 Select Admin/Blocks
2 Then Select EDIT for the Weather block.
3 Under OPTIONS enter the 4 letter default ICAO station
So how do you find the weather station code?
If the block is up and running:
1 Go to the Weather block
2 Select CHANGE SETTINGS for the block from the menu.
3 Use the drop down menus to pick your weather station.
4 Your 4 digit weather code will be displayed.
If you have not already installed the module:
1 Then edit the XOOPS_VERSION.PHP file
2 Line 36 has the code for setting the block options
$modversion['blocks'][1]['options'] = "KSFO|both_imperial";
3 Change the station to the station you desire.
4 Then load the module.
To find your station:
1 Go to the SQL folder
2 Look in the vlweather.sql file for your station.
If you are only after providing Weather for your local area and not for the world, trim that SQL file down to size. There is no point in installing 5,131 Weather stations if your users are only going to pick between 1 to 4 stations.
Why make it hard on them?