It appears, doing just a cursory review of the code, that the problem may be due to the module using HTTP_GET_VARS and HTTP_POST_VARS instead of the 'current' $_GET & $_POST variables.
The reason it may work on your local server instead of on the remote/public server is that the php.ini directive for register_long_arrays is probably set to '1' on the local server and to '0' on the remote server.
You could just search through the module files and replace all instances of $HTTP_GET_VARS with $_GET and $HTTP_POST_VARS with $_POST. That 'should' make the module work.
I need to 'caution' you that when I was glancing through the code there appears to be some coding standards used that have the potential to allow the module to be exploited. I didn't look at the code close enough to see if there are actually any problems but you might want to review the code closely before you use it.