On three occations the last week, I have removed malware php-scripts from the "upload" folder. From what I can tell, one did perform a server system scanning, and another was simply sending spam emails.
Over the past few weeks I have seen some strange newly registered users (foreign users in an all-Norwegian site, designated for a small chess club where the content is mainly intended for our members, looks strange in my eyes). So I have made a few countermeasures - first I replaced all admin passwords to the Xoops-site as well as to the ftp-account. Besides all new registered users will have to be manually approved by admin, and I deleted these recent suspicious user accounts.
This evening another script had been uploaded, and now I CHMOD the upload folder to 444 (it was 777, I just want to see if this is an effective way to stop this - I know it reduces functionality). This time I also deleted those accounts that had been recently logged on, which I did not know who had registered. Unregistered users are only permitted to view the content of our site.
I don't think any of the original Xoops-scripts have been modified in any way.
But I wonder about one thing: How is it possible that php-scripts can be uploaded to this folder in the first place? According to my settings, only image files should be allowed to be uploaded. Is it possible to access the upload folder without being a registered user?
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Tom E.