Ok, so I realize this is really basic and I might be making the kind of mistake thats just missing a quotation mark or something, but my friend and I have tried for hours to fix this. So, what I'm trying to get a universal stylesheet for my site (just to regulate colors and words), I'm fairly sure I've linked it right:
And heres the link to my stylesheet:
http://www.chroniclesofnaynay.net/color-my-world/style.cssAnd my practice page:
http://www.chroniclesofnaynay.net/color-my-world/oopsssss.html(I suppose you could view source if needed)
What Is happening as I have shown on that imitation page of my site (being used to show my problem only) that only the bold, underline, and italics seem to work from my stylesheet. The weird thing is that after my friend and I worked on it for a while, we tried direct linking her stylesheet that is currently working on her site for experimental reasons (with her permission) and still, only the bold, italics, and underline showed up, and she has more then that on her site. We've looked over my stylesheet various times to see if i forgot a semi-colon or something and still nothing seems to be working.
Anyone have any ideas of what I can do to fix this? Thanks in advance!