First off let me say that I'm not entirely familiar with this module. It appearers though that you cut off a bit of the error...something like "- in /whatever.php on line ___" that may help someone solve your problem.
Basically your issue is that safe_mode is stopping putenv() from returning the environment variable SCRIPT_FILENAME (which returns the path of the script that calls it).
You MAY be able to work around this by adding SCRIPT_FILENAME to safe_mode_allowed_env_vars
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_,SCRIPT_FILENAME
in your php.ini, however I cant guarantee it as I have never had the need to run safe_mode. I must say though, it isn't the most secure way of doing it as it's pretty much defeating the purpose of safe_mode blocking all env variables other than PHP_ in the first place. However it may be a temporary fix for you until someone can provide you a better solution.