I solved this issue and it has been such a time saver for me. In case anyone else wants to know, this is what I did.
** Back up your file first - proceed at your own risk **
For XOOPS verson 2.2.4
Edit file: /modules/system/admin/findusers/main.php
Do a search for the word: limit
On or around line 78 you will see the following:
$limit_text = new XoopsFormText(_AM_LIMIT, "limit", 6, 2);
Change the number 2 to 3
Find this code on or around line 224:
$limit = (!empty($_POST['limit'])) ? intval($_POST['limit']) : 50;
if ( $limit == 0 || $limit > 50 ) {
$limit = 50;
Change 50 to the desired number. I assume it depends on how well your server handles these calls. I changed 50 to 200 in all three places because I have 190 users so that works well for me. The "limit users per page" option seems to work fine as well.
Are there any repercussions to modifying the number? I have no idea. I wish someone would tell me but unfortunately, I can only guess. So if you decide to adjust your limit, please do so with caution, at your own risk and only after first backing up main.php. Good luck.
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]