Possibly...Best way for a visual check I have found is to open up your ftp and look at the downloaded installation file on the PC against what was uploaded to your webserver.
NOTE: The release notes link i just noticed is not working -
Have you followed documentation in your install?
New users should always checkout the following:
1. Documentation - linked on the left. Specifically the installation and administration manual
2. The FAQ section - linked on the left - specifically the sections on gloassry, beginners first steps, modules, blocks and themes. There are links to visual tutorials here.
3. The search function on the top right.
Please check also the read B4U post link below if you have problems.
For Visual tutorials please go
hereYou might also find this useful:
draft of new installation guide. This doc is not yet complete but it does include some of what was in the release notes. Let us know how you get on.