I've searched the forum and google and was surprised to find nothing of help. This is the same problem as I reported earlier in
this postBasically I transferred my site from the development server to the production one and now sessions seem to be messed up. Seven modules all create and access the regular session record in the xoops_session table. The other three modules create and use a second session record against the same IP address. In these three modules when logged in the user login block gets displayed as if the user was not logged in, however, if you click login you get taken to you profile page.
I have moved this site to three different servers without issue. It seems that the fourth one's a dud. I don't know enough about XOOPS sessions to trouble shoot this further and so I'm baffled. Could this be something to do with register_globals or some other php.ini setting?
Please share your ideas as these may help me to form a different search phrase for google.