One of my members posted the following explanation(s) to our FAQ and I just had to share it.
Q. I have read the answer about HP, MP and EXP but dont fully understand it. HELP please.
A. Ah grasshopper to understand the true meaning of these lines is the answer to life itself .
The Hypeparametricporambulatorysick Parameter is a measure of skill in punctuation, stating the bleeding obvious and the temperature of a compost heap on a sunny day in June (doh 2 months behind again!)
The metapysicaltoroidalsteapadiktomeroflmao Parameter, contaversially, is a measure of the likleyhood of winning the national lottery and the declination of libido in a cold shower.
The EXP function is however self explanatory. Shake it and it goes bang.
Level is how far you have to fall if your intertia rell safetyline is not fastened (available at a discounted price from the management.
And you think you need help!
Works for me, lmao.
They also posted a real explanation.
Q. What does HP, MP and EXP mean?
A. You want the long answer or short answer? Here is the shortish answer:
The further across your HP bar is the more often you log on and say something. If you log on twice a day and only do 1 post, The bar would be only half as far across if you logged on once a day and did 1 post.
The further across your MP bar is, the more often you post on a daily basis.i.e. posts per day rather than posts per login
When EXP get to 100 you Explode!, but in compensation for being blown up you get to the next level. I think I'm about to explode.
Q. My Karma is 50 but there are still posts I cant read.
A. Ah Grasshopper. You dont post enough thoughtful and reasoned posts. As you join in this forum and make a contribution, your Karma will increase in leaps and bounds and then you too will be able to decide what Karma is applicable to those reading your post.
You get out what you put in.
Thanks to Goldie, lol
Being transgender is NOT a choice.