To be honest, I'm trying to figure the thing out myslef. I downloaded the hack first and then realized I needed the full 1.7 version. I installed and then overwrote with the hack files but I cant get it to work correctly. I dont even know if it shows the videos because I didnt see a demo other than the submit part I posted the link on. I went ahead and just tried the mymovie v2 module instead. It appeared better but still not 100% and certainly doesnt do what I want it to.
Ive search everywhere and cant find what I want as Im sure alot of people here are looking for. I just want a module that I can embed the youtube code to display the videos. I am using smartsection for this now which works perfect but there are no features like comment or rate which I want. There is also not a thumbnail feature.
I asked GIJOE if he could tweak or hack myalbum-p to allow for an HTML input section on the decription of a photo so that I could just use this module to handle video which would be perfect but I have gotten nowwhere with him. He's the one that sent me the link to this other module that doesnt work or at least do what I'm looking for.
At this point, I willing to pay for someone to hack myalbum-p to allow for HTML code as decription and not be forced to upload a picture.
Amazing how many people are looking for a video module (not like debaser or smartmedia, etc..) that you can just simply embed the code that youtube and google are now allowing and then create thumbnails. Hell, you dont even really need a thumbnail feature because most of the time, on youtube the thumbnail is the link/videonumber/2.jpg
Im just so frustrated.