I found a very good chat for my forum
X7 chat(see for yourself)
This chat can be connected with the xoops_database to recieve info on user/password and fill this info into its own database.
To 'do' this it uses an 'aut' file
// X7 Chat Version 2.0.0
// Released July 27, 2005
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 By the X7 Group
// Website: http://www.x7chat.com
// This program is free software. You may
// modify and/or redistribute it under the
// terms of the included license as written
// and published by the X7 Group.
// By using this software you agree to the
// terms and conditions set forth in the
// enclosed file "license.txt". If you did
// not recieve the file "license.txt" please
// visit our website and obtain an official
// copy of X7 Chat.
// Removing this copyright and/or any other
// X7 Group or X7 Chat copyright from any
// of the files included in this distribution
// is forbidden and doing so will terminate
// your right to use this software.
?> // For XOOPS 2.2.4
// This file holds data on authentication
$auth_ucookie = "X7C2U";
$auth_pcookie = "X7C2P";
$auth_register_link = "../register.php";
$auth_disable_guest = true;
// Get the XOOPS config file
$xoopsOption['nocommon'] = 1;
// Make a database connection to the XOOPS database
$table_prefix = XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_";
$cvalue = $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"];
$q = $xoopsdb->DoQuery("SELECT sess_data FROM {$table_prefix}session WHERE sess_id='$cvalue'");
$cinfo = $xoopsdb->Do_Fetch_Row($q);
if($cinfo[0] != ""){
// Get user ID
$match[0] = eregi_replace("xoopsUserID|","",$match[0]);
$suid = unserialize($match[0]);
// changed uname to loginname
$q = $xoopsdb->DoQuery("SELECT loginname,pass FROM {$table_prefix}users WHERE uid='$suid'");
$xoopsname = $xoopsdb->Do_Fetch_Row($q);
$_COOKIE['X7C2U'] = $xoopsname[0];
$_COOKIE['X7C2P'] = $xoopsname[1];
function auth_encrypt($data){
return md5($data);
function auth_getpass($auth_ucookie){
GLOBAL $xoopsdb,$table_prefix,$txt,$db,$g_default_settings,$prefix,$x7c;
// Changed uname in loginname
$query = $xoopsdb->DoQuery("SELECT pass FROM {$table_prefix}users WHERE loginname='$_COOKIE[$auth_ucookie]'");
$password = $xoopsdb->Do_Fetch_Row($query);
// Check if they have an X7 Chat account
if($password[0] != ""){
$query = $db->DoQuery("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}users WHERE username='$_COOKIE[$auth_ucookie]'");
$row = $db->Do_Fetch_Row($query);
if($row[0] == ""){
// Create an X7 Chat account for them.
$time = time();
$db->DoQuery("INSERT INTO {$prefix}users (id,username,password,status,user_group,time,settings,hideemail,ip) VALUES('0','$_COOKIE[$auth_ucookie]','$password[0]','$txt[150]','{$x7c->settings['usergroup_default']}','$time','{$g_default_settings}','0','$ip')");
return $password[0];
function change_pass($user,$newpass){
// GLOBAL $table_prefix,$xoopsdb;
// $newpass = auth_encrypt($newpass);
// changed uname in loginname
// $query = $xoopsdb->DoQuery("UPDATE {$table_prefix}users SET pass='$newpass' WHERE loginname='$user'");
Now all is wel, with exception of users that autologin to my site, they can't get into the chat because of a fatal error.
Now I wonder if it's possible to turn this chat into a module, so there is no need for authorisation of a user?