Trying Generate results in a Selected file does not exist) message.
I'm having a similar problem with a 2.0.13 installation so I guess the problem and its resolution is generic. In my case the multimenu module fails to install 2 templates and gives the same response as above when I try to "generate".
I'm also experiencing problems with the module itself and I hope this is related to the missing templates. I have tried uninstalling, clearing the template_c cache and then reinstalling, without success. What else should I be doing to get a complete install?
XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version: multimenu 1.8
PHP Version:.4.4.0
MySQL Version:4.1.15-Max
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):Apache 2.0
Operating System:Client MacOSX 10.4.6, Server:Linux
Theme you are using: Sporty
Custom template: (Yes)
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...