I installed tropical mail. It seems to work when I log into my webmaster account, recognizing my XOOPS webmaster usid and password, however when I log in as a registered member, it does not. I read in a post that it is required that a separate userid and pswd is required for members, however, I see know where that you can congigure it, from either the registered member or from the admin or from the webmaster. There is a hack by Kaotik, that allows for the userid and pswd to automatically be put in. I overwrote the regular files with the hack files but this did not seem to do anything. (however, there seems to be an extra index.php in the hack files?)
I am also getting quite a few php errors in the program, however it does not seem: Xoops_lang_loading file in includes/function.php is not present, line 152 and line 153 I looked, and there isn't a function.php file in my folder.
Also, on /tropical/language/engish/modinfo.php failed to open stream. no such firle directory in file include/functions.php line 152