I have this problem too !! The solution (not the best) is to comment the lines wich are replacing new line characters like "\n". Seems that google adsense has a problem with having all the code of the script in one single line.
Comment the lines 146 to 152 in file index.php of wf-channel.
Then the ads should appear correctly
//$articletag['maintext'] = str_replace("rn", "", $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = str_replace("n", "", $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = preg_replace("/s+/", " ", $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = preg_replace('/(n|r|rn){2,}/', '', $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = preg_replace("/nn+/", "nn", $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = preg_replace(array('/[ t]{2,}/', '/(n|r|rn){2,}/'), array('', ''), $articletag['maintext']);
//$articletag['maintext'] = $myts->oopsStripSlashesGPC(trim($articletag['maintext']));