How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 5:32

  • iffdmay4

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/1/24

How can I add HTML to existing modules, for example, to include additional notes, instructions, etc.?

Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 9:32

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

Since I was just asked for info on one of my modules and have to do this today.

What you need to do is find out what template is used for the module you wish to add to.

Get a copy of that template, edit the template to include the html, upload the new template overwritting the old one, update the module!

Thats it you should have changed the template and it will display it on the page.

If you wish to edit text, that already exists i.e. submit.php page for links to change your description, edit the langauge/main.php of the module.

This will change as soon as you edit the php and upload it, you don't always need to update the module to see the changes.

Hope that helps, any questions please ask

Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...

What you can do is find a template file for the part of the module you want to insert the html into and just add it there. I would do it that way and its the easiest way.

Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 20:27

  • iffdmay4

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/1/24

Thanks for your replies. The page I am refering too is "mylinks_index.html".

I added the text I wanted just under the logo but when I uploaded the page the text did not appear.

I noticed the <{$lang_thereare}> code on this page and found that it grabs the rest of the text from the main.php page. I tried to replicate the code.. <{$lang_thereare}> on my template page with corresponding code on the main.php.. but that too didn't work.

Update the module.. will give that a go now once I figure out how! lol Wish me luck.

International Firefighters Day - 4th May - Links Page

Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 20:55

  • iffdmay4

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/1/24

Ok, the text worked by updating the module.. thank you!!

However now all my images point to my local C Drive. I have checked the "mylinks_index.html" page and the web links logo definately ponts to "http://iffd.net/xoops/modules/mylinks/images/logo.gif". But when you right click the logo on the page the properties still tell me it's pointing to my local C drive.

The other images (Africa, Americas, etc) I have done through the Administration interface, so they are direct URL links also.

This is the page IFFD Web Links. Any ideas?? :(

Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 21:02

  • iffdmay4

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/1/24

Never mind... blonde moment. hehe

All fixed.. Thank you!!!


Re: How can I add HTML to existing modules...
  • 2006/1/26 21:04

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

Yeh some times you have to wait for the sites html cache to update.

You can speed that up by going to prefrences page and updating that it, it updates the caches.

Also load from html setting on main prefrences if you are changing the theme.


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