You can safely turn on cache.
The specific module will not update it's content until the period is over.
If you have to get some content updated right away, you can always clear the content of your cache-folder.
You shouldnt use cache, or at least not for a long time-period on content that is often updated like poll, shoutbox etc. as it may confuse your visitors when their contribution wont show up, and they then may try to post it again and again.
Play around with cache, it wont bite
you can always stop modules or blocks from cacheing if you dont like it.
Here is an simple guide for modulecacheing (by WolfFactory) :- Real time interactivity (Chat modules) -> No Cache
- High user interactivity (Forums) -> No Cache / 30 seconds
- Medium user interactity (Downloads, Links, Members, News) -> 1 minute / 5 minutes / 30 minutes / 1 hour (not more, a submission, shouldn't be ignored more than one hour)
- Low user interactivity (Contact us, Partners, Headlines) -> 1 hour / 1 day
- No user interactivity (Sections, FAQ, Disclaimer) -> 3 days / 1 week
You can find more info here
http://www.wolfpackclan.com/wolfactory/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=7Best Regards,
--- censored by Bananadude ---