Hi there.
When you view the userinfo.php page for any user, you can see any details they wish to share, you can also see a list of modules which they have posted to, for example you can see if they have made posts to the news module.
The end of the template looks like this:
<{if $modules}>
<br style="clear: both;"/>
<{foreach item=module from=$modules}>
<{foreach item=result from=$module.results}>
<img src="<{$result.image}>" alt="<{$module.name}>" /> <b><a href="<{$result.link}>"><{$result.title}>a>b>small><br />
This works fine for all modules except one, so I want to know where it gets the list of modules from so that I can see about adding the information for the missing module.
Does that make sense?
Thanks for any help on this.