It´s not appear errors messages on page (but i don´t see the server log).
But some modules were installed before the problem, whem they are reinstalled, the logo appear in the exactly place of before (in the left menu for click on modules in the admin pages).
It seems that the page is stopped and i think that some module modified the data base so that it did not recognize new modules (on
modules folder) before the problem.
New modules don´t appear in the modules admin for to be installed (the folder is ok XOOPS path/modules).
The content of tpl tables of XOOPS (are they tables with this function?):
http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/diego_qmota/tpltables.htmSimulation of my admin modules screen. This screend don´t show the new modules uploaded, lika wordpress, wordbook, etc. Just show the modules were there for install before the problem:
http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/diego_qmota/admin_modulos.htmfor security reasons i send these files for another server. my XOOPS server is in another address.