I tried duplicating database - installing a fresh XOOPS 2.2
and not running install script rather edit mainfile with new database name and pass!
Still don't see anything!
http://ajeconline.com/new/HELP ME SOMEONE!!
Does the new XOOPS use php5 or something!
It's not the server because you can see the following:
http://www.ajeconline.com/new/test.phpThere has to be some type a problem with mainfile or something - whenever I do get the chance to log on! It allows me to view the site with no problem whatsoever - but when I log off - sometimes the pages just show blank!!!!
So it can't be the server - and I doubt it's php version if any different! When I log on everything's fine! But sometimes I can't log on!
Another thing is the edit groups page doesnt show properly! I was trying to see if it was some type of permission thing going on for non members! And how do I add a user!!!
I'm gonna have to re-install the old version off XOOPS - unless someone can help me in this! someone????