Situation: I'm moving sites and I want to take my whole XOOPS site along, members, news, forums and all that. Let's say from Host A to Host B. Now I can log into phpMyAdmin on Host A and download all databases and stuff like that, but I read this: you export from PHPmyadmin check the following options in the export options: SQL, Add DROP TABLE, Add AUTO_INCREMENT, Enclose table and field names with backquotes, Use hexadecimal for binary fields, set the export type to INSERT, set the filename template to _DB_, and tick to export in "gzipped" format. Select the tables that you want to export (hold down the CTRL key while clicking multiple tables for export.)Host A runs phpMyAdmin 2.5.0 and gives me these options...
Export: I choose SQL;
SQL options: Structure
* Add 'drop table' -- checked
* Enclose table and field names with backquotes -- checked
* Data -- checked
Complete inserts*
Extended inserts* Dump ... row(s) starting at record # -- I leave this unchanged
* Save as file... File name template, remember template -- I leave this unchanged
* Compression -- I select "gzipped"
OK. Problem 1: The Complete and Extended inserts are checkboxes and I was only told: "set the export type to INSERT". So I have left those unchecked on the first go (but the Data option was checked).
Exported from Host A; I now log into Host B's phpMyAdmin (they run v. 2.6.0-pl3). I click SQL and I upload my database (gzipped). I'm next shown a screen of impressive technical stuff, and was told the operation was successful. The database still goes, however: "No tables found in database". (For host B, the sidebar shows a list of NO databases; for host A, 64 databases.)
OK, I assumed this wasn't going to be a problem. Uploaded a 44 K large file, and then the browser did nothing... it attempted to upload the file, but ultimately nothing happened. A click on Structure (this is all in Host B) shows: No tables found in database.
My questions:
1. When exporting, should I check
Complete inserts and
Extended inserts?
2. Just why aren't my databases showing up on Host B?
3. This file is just about 44 K big -- the upload fails. I've no idea...
Thanks for any help!