if you want the online users block to show the total amount of members registered..
it depends how u want it to display.
you could have it saying, there are a total of 1178 users in total.
or simply, where it says members: x (amt online)
u can have it as members: online / total online
ie members: 10 / 1178
just edit modules/system/blocks/system_blocks.php
find on line 53
$onlines =& $online_handler->getAll();
add just above that line:
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
$usertotal = $member_handler->getUserCount(new Criteria('level', 0, '>'));
then find on line 80 or thereabouts:
$block['online_members'] = $total - $guests;
and replace with
$block['online_members'] = $total - $guests. ' / ' .$usertotal;
that will then display as members: x online / total members
if you want the 1st method, of using text.. ie, there are a total of 1178 members.
you would need to add something like
$block['lang_usertotal'] = 'There are '.$usertotal.' registered members in total';
but then you would also need to add <{lang_usertotal}> to the template where you want it to appear.
so the 1st method is a lot easier