I'm trying to get a little feedback on my
Content Module. Specifically I want to get any interface/feature requests. I've had a little feedback from the actual module page, but I was hoping folks here might take a few minutes and try it out. The Module is based on XT Conteudo and if you are currently using XT Conteudo there is a script to copy your data over to the Content Database.
There are several new features, but probably the biggests are the new menu blocks. There are 2 new muenu blocks that combine the main menu or module menu and the content Menu created by Content. Essentially, the new menu blocks will let you mix modules and their submenus with content sections and their submenus.
I'm looking for any feedback you might have. Is something to difficult to understand? Does something not work like you were expecting?
You can either reply here, or you can add bugs and feature requests directly to the
development site