First let me say, I think that MyAlbum-P is a great module. I have one question and I'm hoping someone can suggest a solution. Please forgive my lack of knowledge, I'm not a programmer, just a XOOPS lover (shameless plug to elicit help).
I use MyAlbum-P and have many categories with many subcategories. When someone views the main page for the module, I would like to have each category and subcategory on its own line. The line would start with the image folder32.gif or folder16.gif and the text of the category name. Then a line break and the next would appear.
Is this simple to do? I've tried looking for where to modify it in the files but I'm not a programmer so I'm having difficulty. If you'd like to see how they're displayed now, you can check them out on my page:
http://www.freemasonry.pe.ca/modules/myalbum/As you can see when you look at the link, the next category starts on the same line as the last one. I want to split those lines... Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.